801 Percy Warner Blvd
Nashville,TN 37205
[See also other inventories: oversize boxes, items on oversize shelves and on top of cabinets.
See also obituary files; clipping files. See also Holocaust Oral History (DVD, videotape) and NCJW oral history (audiotape) collections. Click link for the Temple Archives.
January 15, 2009
Shortcuts: Federation, JCC, Paige, Temple, Jewish Family Service, Sherith Isreal, West End Synagogue, Akiva, Youth Council (AZA, BBG), NCJW
Inventory of Archives of the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee,
801 Percy Warner Blvd., Nashville, TN 37205, 615-354-1655, library@jewishnashville.com
[See also other inventories: oversize boxes, items on oversize shelves and on top of cabinets.
See also obituary files; clipping files. See also Holocaust Oral History (DVD, videotape) and NCJW oral history (audiotape) collections. For The Temple Archives, see MS 2]
RG 1 Jewish Federation
Box l: 1920-1970 Jewish Community Council and Jewish Federation :
Copies of charters 1940, 1948, 1969 (Name change), 1984
Clippings, 1920-1926-1950, 1969 (Central Conference of Jewish Organizations, 1916)
Correspondence from Nat Weise 1934-50
Correspondence on Community Hebrew School 1943-44
1949 “Study of Demographic and Organizational Aspects of the Nashville Jewish Community”
1949 Demographic Study
1959 Constitution
1954, 1958 letter, CJF Certificate of Membership 1961, 1962 Annual Meeting; Leadership Development 1964-66; Constitution 1965, Community Calendar 1966-67,
Annual Meetings 1966-68 (30th anniv. Honoring Jacques Back), 1970-73, 1974; 1970 Mission to Israel; Leadership Development 1972; CRC 1973;1974-76 Financial Report, letterheads; Newcomers Committee 1975-76; 1976 ? chart of accounts; 1976 Planning Advisory, President’s meeting. UJA-TN State Com. Nat’l Women’s Div Meeting Memphis 1976
National Women’s Division UJA, Feb. 1959 (Blanche Fensterwald)
Proceedings of the Community Orientation Institute, 1960-61 (synagogues, JCC, Jewish Social Service, NCJW, B’nai B’rith, Hadassah, ZOA)
Box 2: 1972-1976
Tax exempt notice 1970 (name change); exec. director’s time split 1971
Annual meetings 1970-74
Leadership Development: 1971-78, “A Journey into Leadership,” 1972
Handbook for Presidents of Organizations ca. 1973 or 1974
Home Missions, Arab oil 1973
Israel’s 25th Anniversary 1973 (see also OB 5)
Newcomers Committee, 1975, 1976
UJA TN State Com. meeting, Nat’l Womens’s Div, Memphis, 4/29/76
Women’s Div. 1978
Community Evaluation and Planning Committee, Planning Advisory 1976
1974 communication Coordinator, Cooperation Committee, Planning Committee 1976.
Israel Affairs, “What’s New” 1976-78. Israel Affairs Com. 1972-78
Women’s Presidents’ Council 1973-79
Women’s Affairs, 1969-1976. “Learn to Swim (See MS 12:5), Newcomers’ Committee
Chart of Accounts 1976?. Presidents’ Meeting 1976
Letterhead ca.1976.Financial Statement April 30 1975. Peggy Steine photo
Box 3: 1977-80:
Financial statements 1978-81. Leadership award and development 1977-79.
1977 Fund raising guidelines, Asst. Dir. Job description. 1977-78 board minutes (see tan JF Box 7). 1977-78 Joint Agency on Staff Structure (separating JCC/JF execs.)
1979 photos of JCC or JF boards. 1979 Mission to Israel. Board and exec. Com.Minutes , Annual Meeting 1979. 1980 Year end statement. 1980 Board and President’s Council (photos), Irwin Cotler, Scholar In Residence.
Box 3A: 1975-81
Committee on CJF review process 1977-79
Financial statements 1975-78
Box 4: Israel Expo 1978 (See OB 1)
Box 5: 1981-83:
Campaign leadership 1980-1995
1980-83 annual meetings. 1981 financial statement, etc. Shalom Nashville 1981, 1985, 1992. 1980 Jew. Professionals org. Aipac. Long-range planning 1980-86.
Photos: 1980-81, KKK, Hanukkah torch relay, Senator James Sasser, annual meeting, Buz-A-Bus ad campaign. 1981-82 financial statement, papers.1982-83 Board of Directors. Adult Institute 1982-85. UJA S. Reg. Conf. 1982. GAs 1980-82
Box 5A: Demographic Studies 1979 (see MS 5), 1982,1987 (See also 9B).See also notebook for 2003
Box 6: 1984-1985
GAs 1980-1982. Financial statements 1983-1985. JF board meetings, leadership development 1983-1984. 1984 statement from TN Sec’y of State that JF was incorporated July 15, 1948 (error: 1984?). Annual meeting 1984, 1985. Board retreats 1984-86. Project Renewal Committee 1984 See Also RG 1:29, OB 8, OB A). 1984, 1985 miscellaneous. Joint Tea: Community Plea for Soviet Jewry, Dec. 5, 1984
Box 7: 1986-1987:
Annual meeting 1986. Misc. 1986-87. Financial statements 1986-1987
Box 8: 1988-1990:
Financial statements. 1988, 1989. GA 1988. Misc. 12988-90 Annual meetings 1988-90. Constitution adopted 1989. Learning Leaders 1990-1991
Box 9: 1991-1997.
Annual meetings 1989-1997. Leave policy. Environmental scan 1991. Bus tour of Jewish Nashville–Leadership Development 1992. UJA regional conferences 1981-1991. Mission Statement 1991. Miscellaneous 1991-96.
Box 9A: CJF Loan Guarantee Indemnification Agreement Documentation 1992
Box 9B: 1993 Telephone Survey (see also 5A), Environmental Scan 1991
Box 10: Campaign 1937-1977, list of officers, Moshe Dayan. Presidents, campaign chairs, executive directors 1937-2000.General Chairmen of Welfare Fund 1939-1963. Campaign analyses 1947-72. Allocations 1931-1958. History of JWF in Nashville. 1938 JWF clippings, letterheads. Women’s Cosmopolitan Division, Youth Division 1957
Box 11: Campaign 1978-1981
Box 12: Campaign 1982-1984
Box 13: Campaign 1985-1997: Long Range planning 1981-89; Exec. Com. 1987-90; Washington Mission, Alexander Haig, 1985; Living chairmen 1985; Joint Fed.-JCC Com. on Exec. Dir.; Donations 1986-90; Planning task force 1994.
Box 14: 1997-2001
Campaign 1996
Joshua Fogelson
Israel’s Fiftieth birthday, 1998
New building office space 2000
Priority ranking 2001
Campaign 1998, 1999
Task Force on Jewish Education 1997-99
Annual Meetings, 1997-2001
Box 14A: 2002-05
Jewish Population Study 2002. See notebook with 2003 Demographic Study Data
Israel Emergency Campaign 2002. Israel trip, 2002
Steve Edelstein
Janette Silverman: Melton 2001-4, Israel trips
Box 14B: 2006-
Buz-A-Bus, Hadassah
List of Boxes in Storage at Richards & Richards; contents of Paige boxes
Young Leadership Awards. 1971-
Annual Meetings, 2004-
Strategic Plan 2008
Israel at 60 (2008)
Box 15: Yearbooks 1937-1960
Box 16: Yearbooks 1961-1980
Box 17: Yearbooks 1981-1999
Campaign history
Box 17A: Annual Reports 2000-
Box 18: Tan Paige box 7: Minutes 1962-1985 (West End Towers 1/26/71) (see also Paige box 21). See also Box 24.
18A: Tan Paige Box: Minutes 1993-99. BP and Allocation Panels, 1993-98. Committees 1993-98, 1995-96. Jewish Educational Services Committee Minutes 1979-1993.
Box 19: Minutes 1988-1990
Box 20: Minutes 1990 (con’t)-1994
Box 20A: United Jewish Communities General Assembly 2008
Box 20B: Campaign photos 1998-2003
Box 21: Personnel (Arther Landa, etc). HRD (Shalom Nashville, Volunteer recognition)
1990-1991 GA awards (see also list of plaques at beginning of this collection list)
Box 22: Local Allocations, Budget and Planning 1981-99 (see also Paige boxes)
Box 23: Committee on Aging, Housing for Elderly (see also OB 12 for West End Towers Plans) 1973-1992. See also Box 18
Box 24: CRC (see also Paige boxes). 1953-1998. Al Gore
Box 25: Holocaust programs. Ad Hoc Committee on Holocaust 1985. Interfaith Memorial Service No date). Holocaust Studies at USN. Anne Frank in the World, TSM 1993. Kadar exhibit 1999. . Yom HaShoah 1979- . Holocaust Oral History Project 1981-83 (Audiotapes, MS 32; See OB 7 for photographs). Volyne Torah dedication (Torah in JFArchives)
Box 26: Holocaust: March of the Living 2006. Nashville Holocaust Memorial. Holocaust Lecture Series 1979- . Tennessee Holocaust Commission. Felicia Anchor, MTSU (Murfreesboro Holocaust Studies Conference
Box 27: Soviet Jewry
New American Newsletter 1992-2000
Fedora Frank Award 1982
High school in Israel 1980
Box 28: JSU, Campus Committee, Hillel (see also Paige boxes19,23,35
Box 29: Yad Eliezer, Israel programs and trips (see also OB 8). 2006 name change
Yad Eliezer/Ness Ziona 1984-86 (Zimmerman family), 2006 name change
Sela vist photos Summer 1982,-84, announcements,
Israel Independence Day 1970-71, 1973, 1976, 1979-85, 1988
1984 Pinchas Sapir Award
Jewish Enlightenment (4 rabbis) 1995
Panim el Panim, 1985, 1995
Sar-el Volunteers for Israel (Slotchiver)
Box 30: Endowment Fund 1980s-2000s/ Foundation. B’nai Tzedek. Book of Life
Box 31 Foundation/Endowment Fund photos
Box 32: Hasofrim, NOW NEWS, newcomers lists
“Guide for Teaching Nashville Jewish History”
Box 33: NHPRC grant and others. Continuation of Archives 1979
Box 34: Old Library Correspondence 1977-91
Box 35: Book Fair 1976-90. JES evaluation, High School in Israel, 1977.
Box 36: Lib. up to 1976, Book Fair 1974. Book Fair statistics 1973-
Box 37: JES 1972-93. . Resource Center 1985-92.
Box 38: Book Fair 1991-to date
Boxes 39: 1947-49, SOS ?????
Box 39-46: Photographs (Box 46—tan Paige box)
Box 47: 1983 History video, slide show (see 47A for slides)
Box 47A (shoe box): Slides for History of Jewish Community 1983
Box 48 : A Caring Community, 2003 DVD, VHS
RG 2: JCC Boxes
Box 1:
5 vols. of YMHA NEWS 1915-1920 (on microfilm with OBSERVERS, MS 27)
Charter of YWHA 1924
Werthan stock 1941
Camp Olshine property deed
Title to 3500 West End
Dedication of Gertrude Weinstein Room 1942
Trophy and Plaque list
Box 2:
Cornerstone contents, 1907, 1922, taken from 1951 cornerstone (see also box 6)
Box 2A:
Cornerstone contents, 1907-1951, 1984
Box 3: To 1923
Histories, Stephen Karr (1984), Annette Ratkin’s (1992)
History of YMHA NEWS, Nat Weise
“Something About Nashville’s YMHA” 1908-9
Charter of Incorporation 1903 ©
Clippings 1905-1929
Legal Documents: Deed of Property 1905, copy of Deed of Trust 1924
Picture of old building 1908-1916, 712 Union Street
YMHA NEWS: Mar., June, October 1915 (see also Box 1 for bound volumes), June 1917; Jan., June, July, August, September, November,December, June 1918 (1918 NEWS staff), Jan. 1919, Feb.,June, July 1920; Special Women’s edition, May 1921; Aug. 1922
Photos: Manuel Frank, Secretary, in office, 1913; banquet 1914; Girls’ Auxiliary Halloween dance from Nov. 1915 NEWS;1916 board of directors Jan. 1916 NEWS
Program: “The Old Songs” 1917
YM-YWHA play programs 1920, 1922
Nashville Review , 1920, building campaign article
Utopia Club (1914-24 [?]). Basketball photos. YMHA Peps 1920s
Box 3A: 1920s-1939
Activities and clippings 1920s, 1930s
Girls work annual reports 1927-30
Hebrew school textbook ca. 1922
Dedication 1924, letterhead 1925-26 (and photo of officers), 1931-32.
Article from July 1925 NEWS, Dedication of Memorial tablets and rededication of building, 2/6/27, history of YWHA 12/27 NEWS
Copy of ticket to Peps game 1928-29, physical training program 1928
Junior YMHA Purim play program (n.d)
Pollyanna Club 1928. Kindergarten 1932 (Apr. 1932 NEWS)
YMHA NEWS: April 1921, June 1924, October 1924 (Dedication number; SEE also OB4) Feb., Mar., April, June (Ladies’ Number), July, December 1926; Feb., June, July, December 1927 (25th anniversary); May, June 1928; Mar. 1929; Jan., Feb., Apr., Oct. 1932; Feb. 1933
“Dramatics in the YMHA”, “Club Work Among Our Girls,” by Lillian W. Cohen, Dec 1927 NEWS
Recommended organization of YM-YWHA, 1923
Box 4: 1930s-40s
Clippings, programs; Undated 1930-41
Bazaars 1934, 1936
YMHA dancing class programs and music 1930s (Jane Levine)
YMHA photo is in OB 8
YMHA NEWS staff 1931-32
William F. Rosenblum
YMHA Sports history 1933
Jolly Juniors dance invitation 3/6/30
YWHA Minutes 1927-1946. 18th anniversary Rally, 1/19/32, Fannie Rose Shore, MC
Negative of cartoon “Dates of Importance from 1933 YMHA NEWS
YMHA News /Sept 1933 “The Nashville Jewish Community”
“Y Revue” 1934-37
Program “The Call to Peace” 11/10/35 , sponsored by YM/YW and NCJW, Temple Sisterhood/Brotherhood
Hirsh Kaplan oral history notes (see RG2:17); farewell dinner, 7/22/46
Pathfinders Club 1935
Melting Pot Campaign Mar./Apr. 1933
Girl Scouts Troop 6, 1927. Troop 11, 1931. ca. 1939 (see also MS 28: Lillian Weinstein Cohen)
Ed Wasserman Boy Scout history 1934
G.F.C., Joyful Helpers Clubs 1936
P.G.W. 1937-52 photos and financial records
YMHA News Oct. 1931 (not published for a couple of prior years); Nov.1938
Abe Cohen charm bracelet 1901-1940 (husband of Lillian Weinstein Cohen)
J.Y.B. (Jewish Youth Basketball) 2 photos, Yellowstones, KY
1936-37 Boys World; clippings 1944-45
Annual Phys. Ed. Carnival 3/13/34
Shin Aleph photo 1932, corres. 1938, 1950 (see MS 13)
Box 5: 1940s (See Box 19 for Camp Olshine)
Oct. 1944 YMHA News
Morris Lipschitz honorary membership card from WWII. USO picture ca. 1944-45
History 1940
JCC Charter 1948
3814 West End 1948; 3324 West End [1949-52]
Minutes of Staff meetings 1946-49
Girl Scouts Troop 48, 1939-41
Photo of Youth group ca.1940
Center News April, November 1949
Board of Directors, Constitution 1944, Membership list, schedule 1945-47
YWHA gym class 1947
Financial records 1944-47, 1954
Clippings 1947-48 (sale of downtown building)
AZA basketball champs 1945
Photographs 1930s-1940s: sports, etc.
1931 bb. Champ charm
Boy Scout troop 1946
SEE ALSO OB 22 for baseball, volleyball shirts
Box 6: 1945-57 (Purim balls), Harold Katz
Purim balls (first one, see Observer 3:106): 1931, 1936, 1940, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951,1954
Clippings, etc. 1945-1956, 1947 statistics, exec. Dir. Report.
Day camp 1946, 1948?, 1954
“The YMHA In Retrospect”, by Sabina Grief
Sports Awards banquets 1950s, Handball champs 1953?, 1954, 1954-55 Basketball Boys club champs
Peppettes 1950s, girls’ volleyball
Campaign brochure for new building 1948
Cornerstone 1951 building (see also boxes RG 2:2/2A); JCC letterhead 1951 (3324 West End), 1954. Financial Report 1952, “Use of Center Facilities,” 1953
United Givers’ Funds reports 1954-60
Harold E. Katz testimonial dinner 1954 (see also Box 17)
Memphis JCC Centerama Award 2954
1952 brochure “Center of Happier Living”
50th anniversary, 3500 West End dedication 1952
Young Marrieds’ square dance 1953
Library ca. 1950s
Officers, letterhead, annual reports 1956, 1957
Israel Independence Day 1955
Harry Rosen, Eph Goldstein, program directors ca.1953-57
OB 13: 1959-63 scrapbooks
OB 23: Phil Cohen scrapbook
OB 9: Films of Camp JCC in the ‘50s
OB 15: Lee J. Loventhal Book of Remembrance
OB 18: JCC flags (USO 1940s, from Bill Boner 1984)
OB 25 YMHA photo exhibit
OB 27 Golden Age videotapes (and reel-to-reel): Harry Blum, Hattye Bubis, Blanche Dembsky, Leonard Greenfield, May Lucas, Fritz Preis (2); Rose Rapoport, and Harry and Evelyn Hersh; Baylie Rosenblum; Harry Stern, Harry Sternheimer; Men’s discussion group history panel (3 congregations) April 10, 1991. Filed with NCJW collection of audiotape oral histories: Goldie Orlein, Mrs. Abe Shapiro, Mrs. John Roth, Freida Levinson; Mr. Feinberg; music tape; Doris Zager, interviewed by Barbara Burko. 2 audiotapes: 3/16/86 (11 people); 1/11/87 (sr. meals interviews)
OB 28 Observer photos 1986-89, from Jodi Borton: Maccabah games 1988 Center Scenes, Observer July 22, 1988. Seniors Men’s Discussion, Golden Age. Adult athletics. Camp Ktoni. Art sale. Israel Independence Day 1988. Children. Book Fair. Andy Gryll, winner of Batman, Chanukah carnival Dec. 1989.Youth trip. Israeli scouts. ACJW Southern Region. Rosh Ha’ayon Mandolin Orchestra, August 1989.
2 metal file drawers of membership cards , 1952
Box 7: Past presidents
Photos and negatives of past presidents (through David Levy), as on wall in hall.. Bios also
Photos and negatives of past presidents of YWHA (as on wall in hall)
Assorted photos of past presidents
Box 8: JCC Membership census 1967-82 (See also Paige Box 3)
Box 9: Center Life/Center Scene 1968-1982
Box 10: Program brochures 1950-1972
Box 11: 1960s-1970s brochures (nd)
Box 12: Brochures 1979-83
Box 13: Brochures 1984-86
Box 14: Staff and adult activities programs photos
Meta Windmiller (1950-1976) tea, July 22, 1990 (See also SC 122)
Sonny Kunian, Harold Hassenfeld
Art classes, dance classes, old building (West End)
Square dance 1953, Socials 1962., 1978, Abraham Joshua Heschel speech
Center and Federation boards 1950s and 1970s
Staff: Norma Tavalin, Della Jones, Roy Turner, Paul Aaron obit, etc. (see also album), general staff photos
Shaliach, Giora Ayalon 1970-71: report and photo; Talma Nahir, Shaliach, photos
Box 15: Photographs: drama, program brochures 1956, 1966
Box 16: damaged photos
Box 16A: 1960s, 1982-83 Photos (Norma Tavalin)
1985-1986 photos (OBSERVER)
Montage for CENTER SCENE, May 26, 1971 . annual meeting issue
OBSERVER photographs 1985-1986
Nina Estner: singles 1981-82, misc.
Dreydle factories, Purim shtetls [1975], crafts fairs, pool, family weekend, pet fairs 1969,1970,dog obedience [1982], auto mechanics, Sukkah building 1980s
Hanukkah 1969, social events 1963, Israel Independence day [1982]
Box 16B: 1982-1984 snapshots (Norma Tavalin)
Box 16C (flat): Photos from Nina Estner 1985-86—adults, children, etc.
Box 17: 1986-89. Executive directors questionnaires—1930s-80s
Box 18: Preschool photos
Box 18A: (Oversize): Preschool 1980s, 1990s ACC 2066
Box 19: Day Camp, Camp Olshine (to 1940s), artifacts (See also OB 9 for films)
Box 19A: Day camp photos
Box 20: 1958-73
Professional Staff minutes, 1956-62
Cooking class 1959
1959 officers (Shep Schwartz, Pres. Bailey Isaacs, first woman)
Flo Kornman (NCJW) on “Separation of church and State” 1958
Annual meetings, 1960 (dedication of playground), 1961-67
Integration of JCC, 1962-63, Dan May report
1964: cultural arts, budget control sheet, letter from White House to 4/5th grade Friendship Club
“Future site” brochure 1967
1963 Advanced Leadership Institute, Southern Section JWB,
1965 Biennial conf. Southern Regional JWB, Nashville
Paige (tan) box lists
Box 20A: JCC dynamiting/bombing 1958 (see OB 8), RG1: CRC (Lou Silberman reports). 2008 Anniversary
Box 21: Annual Meetings 1982-
1974-1985. Groundbreaking, dedication of new building.
Box 22: Shabbat Policy discussions, 1968-89
Box 23, 23A, B: Ralph Shepard Awards, Teen Town, Youth recognition (See also MS 10)
Box 24: 1960s, 1970s.. 1967 property appraisal, West End, map of new site.: Center site advertisement 1966.Youth programs guidelines rev. 1967. Specs for JCC Day Camp 1967. Center site campaign 1966-70. Deed , photographs outdoor site 1969. Right of way dedication, site 1971. New building design 1978. Outdoor site dedication.
Proceedings, JWB Advanced Leadership Training Institute, 1963. JYB Southern Regional Biennial, 1965, Proceedings, Program
Box 25: 1970s: 3500 West End property 1974 (pictures). Extension of Percy Warner Blvd. 1973-74. Camp Najacomce 1970, songs. Youth director job description. Financial statements, Center Board Institute 1970.Shaliach report 1970-71 (Giora Ayalon). 1971 membership list, correspondence, board of directors, constitution. Center cabaret 1972. Ancestors exhibit family photos list 1975. 1972 Membership card, meeting notices, letterhead, program. Cookbook 1973. Yiddish class 1974. Annual meeting 1970,1972, 1975 (membership list).Budget request to United Way 1975.
Box 26: New building 1970s-1980
Box 26A: New building 1976-1984. Mitzie’s (Temple) picture of arhcitects’s drawing
Box 27: Norma Tavalin’s Family Committee programs 1971-1977. List of Norma Tavalin’s Paige (tan) boxes (listed below)
Box 28: Prime Time News, Senior Sentinels
Contents list of “Davine’s Box” (Paige tan box) listed below
Golden Age history
Box 29: Golden Age Club photos; Men’s Discussion photos
Box 30: Golden Age (cookbooks, etc.); Men’s Discussion, Senior Adult Committee
Box 30A: Senior Adult photos (Valerie Seidner), 1980s, 1990s (from Meryl Kraft, 2/01)
Box 31: 1960s–1985 Sports, name change, 1985 Annual Meeting.
Teens, youth
Swim team, 1962,Swimming Pool and staff 1970s
Softball, 1960s, 1970s
Box 32: 1988-1989 (minutes, programs, etc.)
Box 32A: 1990
Box 33: 1991 (photos)
Box 34: 1991-1992. 90th Anniversary (1992), history
Box 35: 1993-1994
Box 36: 1995-1996
Box 37: Seniors (Prime Time, Golden Age, 1993- to date). Kovod Award, 1985-. Drama, including “Aging Grace”, 1990s)
Box 38: 1998 Capital campaign
Box 39: 1997-1998
Box 39A: 1999-2004
Box 39B: 2005-
The Lodge 1979-2005. CD of needle points in lobby
Box 40: Board, Exec. Committee minutes, 1969-1973, 1977-80 (assorted committees: cultural arts, 1980 youth council, newcomers meeting minutes)
Box 41: Minutes 1955-1970
Box 42: Minutes 1971-1977
Box 43: Minutes 1978-1983
Box 44: Minutes 1983-1987. Executive Committee Minutes Dec. 1974-1988. Board of Directors 1970-1982
Box 45: Minutes 1988, 1989, 1990
Box 46: Minutes 1991, 1992, 1993
Box 47: JCC activities photos 1990s (alphabetical)
Top of shelves, William Robin’s stamp collection (See SC 25 for appraisal)
Paige boxes:
Box 1:Proposed JCC Budgets 1960-64, JCC Budget and Financial statements, 1966-75, Site development campaign 1966, JCC committee minutes 1969-72, Membership committee minutes 1968-69, health club 1954-75, war record 1951, Preschool lists, budgets-history 1962-70, kosher food distributors 1959-71, JCC correspondence 1962-70, miscellaneous 1977, staff meeting minutes , 1979-82. From Frances Kaminitz 1/90: Budget 1970-72, Lists of committees and board 1962-74, financial correspondence 1959-69, budget 1973-74, membership 1973-74, program, etc., budgets 1974-76, budget, 1975-77
Box 2: Bankbooks, permanent improvement acct 1952-1979, Day camp 1969-76 (gov’t food supplement, health ins.), Day Camp staff 1982-83 Fed, JFS salaries 1979-81,Correspondence 1970, Membership 1969, personnel 1978-80, health insurance records 1965-80, JCC board and committees 1967-71, personnel retirement fund 1955-70, Budgets 1979-80, membership reports 1972-74, Center site campaign 1966-70, Site fund pledges and gifts 1966-73, Bankbooks 1948-80.
Box 3: Membership Census 1967-1976 (see also Rg 2:8)
Norma Tavalin Box 1: 1966-78: Family concerts 1966, Tub’shevat 1966-73, Israel Independence Day 1966, Children’s art festival 1967, Purim carnival 1968-2, Hanuka 1969, arts festival 1970, family Sukkah workshop 1971, dog obedience class 1971, bike rodeo 1972, crafts fair 1972-78, family weekend ,1972-78, family fish fry, 1972, summer 1972-73, dreydl factory 1973-78, sesame art show 1973, TN Arts Comm. 1973, day camp 1973-80, adult classes 1973-77, bike rodeo 1974, Center players “Poppa” (see OBSERVER 3/7/75) 1974?, family skating 1974-75, photography show 1975-76, Panov Ballet Dec. 1975 (Memphis), flea market/crafts fair 1976, family olympics 1976, family canoe trip 1976,Ancestors in American History 1975, Bellwitch Cave 1976, response 1976, Vanderbilt prison project 1976, Center players “The Mensh” 1976, family committee 1976-79, Farband/Cultural arts 1976-77 (Ben Bonus), “My Shalom, My Peace” 1977, hayride 1977, road rally 1977-78, Library book fair 1977, disco dancing 1978, hayride 1978, cultural arts series I (Dan Rottenberg, FINDING OUR FATHERS) 1978, Jeff Feld 1977-80, singles 1978-79, children’s 1978-79, camp committee 1978-80, group leadership manual 1975-80
Norma Tavalin: Box 2:1979-83: Book fair1979, 1983, camp 1981-82, personnel code 1982, chavurah 1980-83, classes 1982, Adult Com. 1982-83, Bat Kol April 1982, Israel Independence Day 1980-82,camp contracts and salaries 1981, conference schedule and vacation 1981, alternate facilities 1981, Carnie Sokol/Nina Estner 1980-81, Search Committee Aug. 1981, road rally 1980-81, summer activities 1981, adult dept. 1980-81, Cultural Arts 80-81 (Dave Hart CBS/Ed Asner possible), JCC board of directors 1979-81, cultural arts 1979-81 Irving R. Levine 12/9/79,Sasha Nanus 3/30/80, C.Arts series 1980-81 (Chaim Potok), women’s classes 1979-81, scholarships 1981, staff time study 1980, room setups 1979, executive committee 1980, family weekend 1979, May 9-11, 1980, May 1981,finance committee 1980-81, Israeli Scout Caravan 1980, Young Judaea 1979-81, Cub Scouts 1980-81, Winter classes 1979, family committee 1977-82, Center players “God’s Favorite” 1979See RG 2:15),“Bintel Brief 1979”, “Paris Is Out” 1980, “Majority of One” Spring 1980 (see RG 2:15), “Chosen Children” 1982, Family and Site Committee 1981, Purim 1981, community calendar 1980-81, committees 1979-80, Ron Greenberg 1981, Applicants 1980, Arlene Pukach 1979-80, organizations, national conference, JWB annual statistical report 1980, kitchen 1980, Paul Aaron 1979-81, Ami Drimmer 1978-80, Davine Levison 1979-80, Jeffrey Feld 1977-80, craft fair 1979-80, fish fry 1979-1981, Torch Relay 1980, Andrea Jasper 1979-80, family fitness 1979-80, Succot tsimmes 1978-80, bike rodeo Sept. 1979, Super Sunday July 1979, family canoe trip 1979, staff structure and organization 1979, dreydle factory Dec. 1979, membership 1979-81.
Norma Tavalin: Box 3: Rae Levine 1983, staff minutes 1981-82, Bat Kol players1978, Centerstage 1979-80, Mordecai Rosenstein 1982, YIVO “Image Before My Eyes” 1978, Ami Ron art exhibit 1976, TCHumanities grant proposal 1979, Adult social 1975-9, Gourmet supper—theatre party Sept 1976, Center Players “Bintel Brief” 1979-80 (see box 2), Time Out for women 1976-79, Ladies Morning out 1972-76, Fine arts brunch 1983, Cutting up the Voting Pie 1981, Shopping for a President/There’s Got to Be a Better Way 9/29/80, Stop Smoking Aug 1977, Adult classes Fall 1983, theatre workshop 1982, “Yiddle Mit His Fiddle” Summer 1980, social com. 1975-76, social and theatre party 1977-78, single parent families 1983-84, summer classes and programs 1974-81, Robert Rubenstein storyteller 1983, “The Survivor” Jack Eisner 1980, “Lies My Father Told Me” 1976, Family life education 1979, Volunteer appreciation night 1979, Diaspora Yeshiva Band 1982, Jews in American History Art exhibit 1976, Grants 1980-81, TAC grant “Here Is Israel” Oct. 25,1979-80, Cultural arts ticket buyer lists 1979-80, Roman Vishniac, Cultural arts 1973-83, Barry Rosen 1981, Norma Tavalin evaluations 1979-81, Institute for Jewish Studies 1983-84, Staff meetings 1984, budgets 1982-83, Pucker Safrai gallery 1981, Columbus boy choir 1977, Tennessee Arts Commission 1978, special events com/ flea market/garage sale 1982, American Balalaika Co. 1980, Program evaluation 1981, Petah Tikva (sister Center), Israel Chassidic Festival Dec. 1980, personnel committee and codes 1974-81, Shirley Greenfield 1981-84
Davine Levison’s box (Golden Age)::
Minutes 1968-80. Annual bake sale 1969-72. Survey 1961. Sr. Adult activities 1961-62. Annual Report 1965. Sr. Adult evaluation 1958-69. Citations 1964-70. Records 1959-60. Programs 1958-63. Geriatrics 1952. Sr. Adult Institute 1967-68. Monthly reports/statistics 1964-80. “Yiddishe Mama Cookbook” 1974 (in gray box also). Purim 1975-82. Hanukkah 1976-81. Holiday ideas 1960-68. Board report 1980. SR. Adult Committee minutes 1975-79. Mailing list 1962-80. Volunteer workshop 1965. Luncheon ideas 1968-81. Golden Age constitution. Attendance sheets 1970-81. Membership list 1968-80. Executive committee minutes 1963-73. Community service projects 1963-71. NCJW survey 1972. Transportation 1961-81. Budget 1969-79. Cooking class 1970. Sewing 1974. Job opportunity 1975-76. Continuing education 1971. Adult children seminar 1978. Defensive driving 1978. Family seminar 1975. Seminar on aging 1978. Senior Achievement 1965. White House conference on aging 1981. Community Forum on aging 1977. Tender loving care material. Reservation lists 1978-80. 1980-83 Golden Age: snow and ice shopping, women’s discussion lists, officers, attendance. SHIRLEY GREENFIELD’S miscellaneous 1966-82.
Temple Boxes at JCC: MS2
Box 1A:
Religious school newspapers: TEMPLE TIMES (Mar. 1960), VINE LINE (Mar. 1952, 1953)
Temple Youth Ball formal tickets 1946
Religious School photos: Purim 1940, students 1946, pageant 1930s (original missing); Ca. 1930s STAR OF JUDAH Purim play program
1939 Southern Jewish Youth Assembly program, etc.
OFTY: 1961, 1967, 1970, 1974, Kitowv 1976 programs, 1974 group photo
TY: Ca. 1938-39 photo, 1970s, Temple Bulletin Apr. 3, 1953 (See if at Tem)
Bnot mitzvah invitations 1980s, 1990s
1981 h.s. baccalaureate service program
1974-76 Literary magazines (r.s)
8-9 grade intersession Jan. 1972 THE STRONGHOLD
1956 Rose Hirshberg article
1979 r.s. committee
R.s. parent handbook 1965-66
R.s rosters 1978-83
Temple Boy Scout troop 1968-70
Photos: 8th grade trips to Cincinnati 1970, 1971
8th grade: “The Prophet’s”: Digest 1960, Times 1968, Prophecy 1971
1987 consecration photo, 1985-86 r.s. Parents Handbook, R. Morin’s letter of resignation 1982
R.s. yearbooks 1989-90, 1988-89
1961 consecration photo
Ticket: Children’s Rally, 12/10/1922
Photo: r.s. faculty 1939 (miss Ruby), V.S. T. r.s. letterhead ca. 1945-47
Box 1B:
Confirmation service programs: Originals : 1901, 1913, 1920-21, 1926-27, 1930, banquet 1931, 1932-38, 1939 , 1941-47, 1949, 1951, 1954 (history), 1956-57, 1959, 1961-63, 1965-67, 1970-72, 1975-76, 1978-83 (history), 1984, 1986. Copies: 1908, 1910, 1911, 1930, 1939
Conf. photos (see OB 4 for 1943, 1953, 1958, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974-75; Observer for 1935 (2:66), 1936 (3:118), 1937 (4:168)
Hattie Cohen (1884), 1898 (and Hanna Mai Brown’s cert. [c]), 1910,1931, 1932, 1933, 1942, 1946 (and formal party), Hanukkah 1947 (on VST bima), 1954, 1955 (Observer Aug. 26), copies of 1932, 1933, 1931m 1961
CONFIRMER 1951, 1952, 1954, 1955 (“The new Temple takes form”)
Copy of Pre Conf. Tercentenary Scrapbook 1954-1955–300 years of Jews in America 1654-1954
Confirmand pledges 1973-78
Box 2A: Bulletins thru 1985
1932-1977, 1979-85
Box 2B:
Annual meetings 1947-66, 1968-72
Board members’ notebooks 1972-73, 1980-81
Membership brochure 1979
Committee lists, calendars, list of past pres. 1976-77
Constitution 1958, Budget, financial statement 1958-59
Box 3A:
Temple Brotherhood (history, past presidents 1925-1971 [organized 1925]), 1982-
Couples club
Officers of Ladies Working Society 1879-1892, charter
Sisterhood: Clairee Levy’s “Women in Defense” (WWII), history from YMHA book, 1937 constitution, meeting notices 1935, 1950s, 1960s, salute to 50 year members 1975, 1977 NFTS Book of honors, District newsletters 1954-57, Biennial Assembly 1963, papers of Hattye Bubis 1930-62, annual Reports 1977-78, OVFTS 1978, papers of Beck Raskin 1948-1958, 10th birthday at YMHA 1924, Ladies Bazaar Journal 1901 copy, 1940 silver anniversary program, photos 1953-55, clippings 1954-71, birthday and other flyers 1983-93, annual report 1990-91
Senior Templars 1983-84
Box 4:
Cemetery: History from YMHA News, Guide to Customs and Procedures, 1980 Temple Society on Dying, Death, Bereavement (See Also OB 8)
Cemetery records of all congregations; (see list of charters, separate) 1854 Mogen David Charter, 1888 receipt of lot purchase by I. Barker (o); copies: 1851 purchase of property for Hebrew Benevolent Burial Society, 1871 Hungarian Benevolent Society property purchases. 1887 cemetery minutes
Adult Ed: 1953 brochure, Sabbath seminar, 1970 Isaac Bashevis Singer (original)
Temple art: 1964 OBSERVER article re Weinstein megillah. Mike Rosen’s 1980 article on Reform Jewish art (the Temple’s). brochure, description. Torah covers (4 negatives, card). A Raymond Katz New year’s card.
1992 Book of Remembrance reminder
Public Worship Committee 1974-75. “Congregational Encounter” responses from 1973 annual meeting.
Ticket for 1953 holyday seats.
1980 letter to cong. re. cantor’s salary in budget.
Services: 1970 Falk 10th anniv., Selichot 1972, 1979, 1978 Yom Kippur Family
Skits: 1973 “Conversion of Scott Lewin” (Sisterhood) 1975, 1976 Confirmation class skits. The Falk Saga 12/20/72. 1980 Golden Age.
Programs/speakers 1980-85, 1981 cantor’s Lag B’Omer concert
Social Justice: minutes 1975-76. UAHC Consultation on Conscience 1977-79 (Ethel Lutin), TY S.A. project handbook 1972, 1982-83
1982-83 Temple Survey
Ben Shahn mosaic 1959
Beautification 1950s: Abraham Kampf consultant. Photos of Torah cover presentations Sept. 1977
Box 5: History to 1955
1851, 1853, 1860 charters.1852 Isaac Garritson letter (MS 20: 6) and deeds,
Vine Street T. photos 1900-
1869 B’nai Yeshurun Confirmation photo
Sermon by Rabbi Perez Jacobson (Oct. 22, 1897)
May 4, 1887 minutes of cemetery?
Rabbi Richard Stern’s obit 1983
50th anniv. of Vine St. 1924 –program, clipping
Letter from M.Werthan to Mrs. L. Jonas Nov. 5, 1900
Wm. F. Rosenblum leaves religious school to prepare for rabbinate 1923 (see also RG 2:4)
Clippings 1920-36 (Pastors’ Assn. resolution 1933 against persecution of Jews in Germany\60th anniv. 1928
Nathan Cohn testimonial dinner 1934
Sabbath services 1943–26th anniv. of Balfour Declaration. Temple Board dinner at Woodmont Club 1940s. V-E Day 1945
Letter from Julius Mark 20 Sept. 1944
“Walkie Talkie” (to servicemen)
UAHC Sept. 1973 (10th on list) dedication books
Bookplate Betty Frances Ginsberg Library Fund
70th anniv. 1868-1938
75th anniv. 1868-1943
Record “Shabbat Services for Shutins” (Schwartzman)
Writings of William B. Silverman
Dedication of cornerstone of new building 1954
Histories of Temple
Dr. Samuel Raphael, 1861, “An Israelite’s View of Slavery”
Box 5A: 1955-1980 (See also MS 22:4, Temple papers of Gus Kuhn, 1958-1969)
Dedication of new building 1955
90th anniv. 1958
Photos: officers 1954-56, 1960
List of Board of Trust 1968-69; photo of Temple foyer 1968
1969 Yitzhak Rabin visit to Temple
1972 annual meeting program (c)
1973 100th anniv. of UAHC program and skit
Services/membership roster 1972-73, 1975
1981 Human Relations award to Rabbi Falk
Rabbi’s Fund (for children’s education) letter
1974 Sacred Service (Bloch)
Negatives of 1979 brochure (Ira Katz)
Fund raising event 1980
Sabbath Day Live March 1980 negatives
May 1981 bombing attempt clippings
Katz skit April 1983
Cantor Mark Elson
Richard and Cynthia Morin
Photos: Ted Pailet, Peter Halprin
Cantor Gutcheon
Chavurah III photos
Box 6: Sisterhood yearbooks 1948-1997
Box 7: Rabbis
David Burgheim (B’nai Yeshurun), Judah Wechsler, Alexander Iser, Herman Saltzman, J.S. Goldammer, Lewinthal (letters 1887-1905 to Rabbi Max Heller, from AJA, c; 10 yrs with Ohavai Shalom 1898 (o);testimonial from VU Chancellor Kirkland, 1912, c; Nashville Liberal Congress of Religions), Julius Mark 1926-1948, Sylvan Schwartzman 1948-50, William Silverman 1950-60, Jan Brahms 1976-80, Ken Kanter 1980-83, Beth Davidson, Steven Fuchs 1986- 1997 , David Davis 1997- 2001. Address by Rabbi Starkoff 1945
Box 7A: Rabbi Randall Falk
HUC Thesis: “The Southern Rabbi and the Civil Rights Movement,” By Allan Krause, 1967
Box 8: Bulletins 1985-1993
Box 9: Bulletins 1994-1997
Box 10: Bulletins 1998-2003
Box 11: 1980s, 1990-1999
140th Anniversary 1991
Current Photographs
60yr Confirmation Class reunion 1995, reunion April 2000
Temple expansion 1997
Vine Street Temple historical marker 1990-91
Clippings 1990-93
Box 12: 2000-
Bulletins 2004-2007
Rabbi Mark Schiftan
Rabbi Allison Flash
Rabbi David Davis
Rabbi Shana Goldstein (2004-
Box 12A: 2000-
Bulletins 2008-
Box 13: Fred Goldner’s files
Photographs by Martha Goldner
Board of Trust 1950ff
Membership lists and dues 1973-77
1978 lists of board and committees, scattered minutes, summaries of parlor meetings
1979-80 lists of board, scattered minutes, presidents
1980 lists of board, committees. scattered minutes
4/30/80 audit
Box 13A: Fred Goldner’s files
1981 board, exec. comm, minutes, etc.
1982 Rosters, minutes, etc.
1983-84 nominating committee
Box 14: Photos of Cemetery tombstones prior to 1900 (acc. 709–see list in wooden card catalog)
Box 14A: cemetery tombstone photography project: maps, project information (acc 709)
Metro Historical Commission photos 2003
RG 3: Jewish Family Services
Box 1: to 1960s
Charters, etc.: March 5, 1860: Act to create Young Men’s Hebrew Benevolent Society ; February 1870, Acts of TN Gen,. Assembly, Nashville Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society, Aug. 31, 1891; Nashville Hebrew Relief Society; Federation of Jewish Charities Charter of Incorporation 19 Mar. 1925; affidavit from Lee Loventhal 29 Sept 1934; Name change from Jewish Welfare Federation to Jewish Social Service 19 May 1969; Jewish Family Service, DEC. 16, 1976.
History 1981-82, by Molly Slabosky (detailed history by Beck Raskin for June 3, 1993, annual meeting.
Hebrew Relief society report 1907-08,1900 New Orleans JEWISH LEDGER; 1903 report of Hebrew Relief Society.
Copy of 1891 charter
JEWISH MESSENGER Aug. 8, 1859m “Young Men’s Hebrew Benevolent Assn. Organized.”
1914 checks
Field Report, October 1950 (from Jean Roseman)
1939-50 record book
Lebeck award 1920s
1943 report, 1943-47 financial records
Boards of directors 1952-1965
1960-1972 records
Agreement: JSS of Nashville becomes the Nashville Jewish Social Service Committee of the Jewish Community Council 1960-65
1956 annual report
Loan agreements 1957-71
Pictures of 1963 Volunteer Corps, Abe Pilsk, Molly Slabosky, Berney Steiner.
Pilsk Loan Fund 1953, 1966
UGF 1961-64 financial
Box 2: 1960s-1970s
UGF reports 1965, 1966, 1967, 1973
1975-76. 1968-74 reports.
Financial records 1969.
Expenditures 1972, 1973
Homemaker services 1977
1976 assistance records
Box 3: 1960s-1970s (restricted)
By-laws Jan 1977; new corporate name
Hattye Bubis papers 1959-1962
Financial records 1965-1975
Financial statements 1976-79
B’nai B’rith home 1969-70,1975
1961-72 financial assistance
Annual meeting 1977-80
National Conference on Social Welfare certificates 1963-71
Officers 1978
Minutes 1961-1979
1965-72 papers
Box 4: 1970s (con’t restricted)
Minutes 1953-1973
1969-1972 (photo, 1969)
1970, 1971, 1973, 1974-75
Box 5: 1970s-1980s (1977 separated from JF)
Annual meetings 1981, 1982
Expenses 1977; comparative 1975-79
1982 bylaws for residence for Sr. Adults; deed to Continental Condominium
Allocations 1980s
Financial statements 1982,1983, 1987, 1988
Photographs 1970s, 1980d (honoring of Annette Eskind). See also Ruth Tanner’s JF photograph boxes RG1:42-45
1983 brochure and photos
Personnel (restricted)
United Way 1977-80
Box 6: Soviet Jews block grant, Soviet resettlement (see also Paige Box 22, pp. 2, 3; Box 24)
Soviet Resettlement in-kind documentation
Block grant financial reports 1979-81
United Way 1980-1986
Soviet Jewish publicity 1973-1993
Box 7: 1990s to date
1991 Annual meeting videotapes of Soviet Jews’ weddings
1990s, 2000s
Photographs: New Americans 1988-94; 1990, 1995
New Americans: see also RG 1: 27
1990-92 Minutes, New Americans
Box 7A: 2000’s
Chesed Award Dinner programs 1995-2002 (individual collections for awardees in Archives
Box 7B (oversize): Chesed Dinner (5/1/03) historical photographic exhibit FSU Jews arriving; Chesed Award : Hattye Bubis (1996) 1995-2992 list; old JCC lib pic of Bd of Directos; Rabbi Lewinthal; Vine Street Temple;; Lydia Kornman; Henry and Caroline Spitz; Leah Belle Eskind; Manuel Eskind; Rabbi Julius Mark; Sam Levy; Annette Eskind; Nathan Cline; Louis Bernheim; etc.
MS 1: Sherith Israel
Box 1: 1871-1966
Deeds/Chrrters: KK Shehares cong. (Julius Circkle) 1876, sold cemetery prooperty. Hungarian Benevolent Society, July 1887. “Scherith” Israel, August 1997. .”Shereth” Israel 1905.
Histories, Fedora Frank, Harry Hersh, Nat Weise
Photographs: Sherith Israel (see also slides of 1983 video for old house), Rabbi and Mrs. Kaufman ca. 1945
1905, 1913,1920, 1953 constitutions
“Some Notes…” by L.H. Small
1907 Dedication program. Purchase of Pews 1907
“Our Young Hebrew Club” Minutes 1918-21
Photo of rabbis who testified for Kosher Law ca. 1929. Men’s club officers ca. 1939
1932 religious school play program
Photos of Rabbi Chill, With L.H. Small, with Harry Stern. Harry Stern and class
Kadimah Club, 1940s bulletin and correspondence. Synagogue Youth clubs 1940s, Schklars
Minutes of the Congregation: (scattered, 1954- 1960). Men’s Club minutes 1938-40
Transition from Fifth Avenue to West End 1940s
Clippings 1920s, 1930s,1958-66
Union of Orthodox Jewish congs. 1955, 1963 Southeastern conferences
Members who served in WWII
Torah Scroll dedication to Lee Kuhn (JDC), 1945
1963 dedication of new building. Photos of new building
Box 2: Bulletins 1968-1995, Herman Kaplan, sisterhood, Photos, 1970s-1980s
Box 3: Rabbi Posner, Clippings, flyers, bulletins 1998-2004.
100th Anniversary 2005
Box 4: Bulletins, clippings: 2005- . Photos of interior , exterior (acc 2025)
Box 5: shoebox with Rabbi Abramson’s artifacts
MS 3 West End Synagogue
Box 1: 1893-1940s . Cemetery lists
Boz 1A: Ledger books 1936-1944 (see two oversize for 1935)
Box 1B (0versize): Minutes 1912-1930
Box 2: 1950s, 1970s
Box 3: 1970s (con’t), 1980s, 1990s
Box 3A: 1990s (con’t)—to date Chevra Kadisha, 1977-2004. (See Siyum Ceremony, Oct. 17, 2004, Album in plastic on shelf)
Box 4: Sisterhood minutes 1922-1979
Box 5: Sisterhood, Men’s Club, USY, Yearbooks to date
Box 6: Paige (tan) box: Sisterhood scrapbooks 1953-1984 (1961-68, on shelf)
Box 7: Bulletins 1944-1990
Box 8: Bulletins 1990-1997
Box 9: Bulletins 1998-2007, clippings, etc.
Box 9A: Hollinger oversize: Minutes 1930-1940, Resolutions 1933-45; Max Levine’s correspondence: 1921-32, 1937-39. 1941-June 1946, Membership List 1940, reports 1932-35
Box 10: Bulletins, clippings 2008-
MS 4: Akiva School
Box 1: Photographs, etc.
Box 2: 1960s-1980s
Box 3: Calendars, handbooks
Box 4: 1993-99; Torah dinners 1998-1999
Box 5: 2000-2003
Box 6: 2004- to date (Torah Dinners 2000-07
MS 5: American Jewish Committee: (Family Life Survey 1979; see oversize green book with computer printout)
Box 1, Box 2
MS 6: B’nai B’rith
Box 1: Through 1950
B’nai B’rith District 7 convention, 1961 Birmingham
Box 2: 1960s
Box 3: 1970s
Box 4: 1980s to date (See also blind camp scrapbook, 2008 exhibit behind archives door)
MS 7: Book clubs
MS 7A: Book and Garden club
MS 7B: Book Study
Box 1: Programs, scrapbooks (also one loose scrapbook)
Box 2: Minutes, yearbooks
MS 7C: The Informers 1950 to date
MD 7D: Magazine Circle
Box 1: Yearbooks
Box 1A: Duplicate yearbooks
Box 2: Minutes 1922-1981 (See looseleaf book for 1996-2002)
Box 3: Miscellaneous programs, photos (Also a green loose scrapbook)
MS 7E: Modern Readers (2 scrapbooks on bottom shelf)
MS 7F: Readers Circle
MS 7G: Reviewers (combined with Readers Circle
MS 7H: Tri Arts
Box 1: Yearbooks
Box 1A: Duplicate yearbooks
Box 2: Tri Arts
MS 8: Brandeis University Women’s Committee (see also OB 3 for 2 scrapbooks 1954-1974)
MS 9: Hadassah
Box 1 1926-1950s
Box 2: 1943-1953 Books of Memory
Box 3: 1960s-1970s
Box 4: 1970s, Donors
Box 5: 1970s, 1980s
Box 6: Southern Regional Conferences 1938-1979 (Nashville 1961, 1967). Plaques, 1990s, 2000s
Box 7: Bulletins, clippings, 1970s-1989
Box 8: Bulletins 1990s to date. Script of 10/11/00 slide show (slides in small box 8A). Script updated for May 10, 2006 80th birthday. CD Rom enclosed (updated slide show)
Box 9: Yearbooks. 1955-
Box 10: Minutes 1933-1992
Scrapbooks: Paige Box 1: 1947-49, 1949-51, 1951-53, 1953-54, 1955-56, 1961-65, 1967-68.
Paige Box 2: 1961-69, 1966-67,1967 Southern Regional Conference (Nashville). 1993-98, 1998-99, 2001-02. Oversize (on shelf): 1956-58, 1969-70, 1993-98, 2001-2002, 2004, 2005-06
MS 10: Youth Council, BBYO (AZA, BBG)
Box 1: 1940s, 1960s (see also OB 28). Origin of Youth Council 1942
Box 2: Youth Council 1955-56 Scrapbook, Dist. 7 BBYO yearbooks.BBYO 1960s
Box 3: BBYO 1970s, 1980s
Box 4: BBYO 1990s
Box 5:BBYO 2000s (2006, 2007, 2008 scrapbooks on shelf
Box 6: Youth Council 1953-to date
SEE also OB 11, 16, 1997 photos in folder with Box 16; RG 2:23 (Ralph Shepard)
SEE also OB 28: scrapbooks: AZA 1976-77 (separate), 1977-79 (separate—on poster board), 1979, 1982. Youth Council: 1949-55, 1956-57. 2 scrapbooks, BBG MIT classes 1976-77, 1977-78
BBYO: 3 BBG composites 1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68, 1968-69. BBYO Cotton States reg. Group 1967
MS 11: Zionist organizations
- Farband
- Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America
- Mizrachi
- Nashville Zionist District
- Southern Zionist Youth Commission
MS 12: Nashville Section, National Council of Jewish Women (Book: NCJW PROCEEDINGS OF FIRST CONVENTION 1896)
Box 1: 1901-1930s (Bertha Fensterwald Center history)
Box 2: 1930s con’t
Box 3: 1940s-1950s (Fensterwald closing)
Box 4: Plaques. Council Home for Convalescent Children scrapbooks 1947-57 (see boxes 13 and 14)
Box 5: Sally Wolfe’s papers 1960s.. WICS 1964-69, Head School 1965-69, Scholarship Loans, 1969-70. Ship-A-Box 1967-68, Community Service/Projects Committee 1957-62, Hilltop House 1963-69, Learn to Swim 1968, 75th anniversary of National 1968 (see also album).
“A Study of the Economic, Health, Housing, and Social Relationship Needs of Jewish Older Adults in Davidson County, Tennessee” June 1960
Box 6: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s (Bertha Fensterwald Day Camp Site, 50th Anniversary) (see also scrapbbooks. Paige Box 5)
Box 7: 1970s: Albee Guttman, Sally Wolfe. Public Affairs (Ethel Lutin), Juvenile Justice
Box 8: 1970s: Buz a Bus, Head School Day Care, Drug Treatment Center. (see also reel of film of 80th anniversary –of National, 1973?)
Box 9: President’s Institute 1973 (see also scrapbook in Paige Box 5)
Box 10: Minutes 1921-1955
Box 11: Minutes 1955-1965
Box 12: Minutes 1965-1976. Membership 1966-74
Box 13: Convalescent Home minutes 1945-1958. Annual Reports 1945-1953
Box 14: Convalescent Home (see also scrapbooks 1947-57, box 4): Clippings and publicity, Motor Corps list; audits 1945-54; insurance papers; case history, building committee, cancelled checks 1958-59
Box 15: Oral History abstracts and release forms
Box 16-21: Oral Histories (see also audiotapes)
Box 22: Special projects oral histories—past presidents (audiotapes)
Box 23: Bulletins 1930-1985
Box 24: Bulletins 1976 to date
Box 25: Yearbooks 1917-1971
Box 26: Yearbooks 1972-
Box 27: 1980s, 1990s, 85th anniversary script, Cookbooks I and II. Joint Teas 1979-83
Box 28: 1989-1990s photos/etc.. Membership 1992-95. Casa, Planned Parenthood, PG Players 1980s/1990s. 1998: Renewal House, Silent Witness, Camp Anytown. Presidents photos 1992-1996. Hello Israel 1987-2003 (?). Buz-A-Bus agreement with Jewish Federation. Kathy Gutow’s Day on the Hill 1989-2000. Bonnie Halprin papers
Box 28A: Minutes 1989-86 (partial), 1998-2001
Box 29: 100th Anniversary (book, publicity, Cd-roms for boards).
Box 30: (see also Frist Award 2000, trophy in blue box): 2000–to date. CELEBRATIONS 1983-2007 SAVV (2000). Kid’s care (2006)
Tan boxes : Box 1: Scrapbooks 1952-55, 1959-61, 1961-63, 1963-65, 1966-67, 1968. Box 2: Correspondence 1938-44, Corresponding Secretaries’ Reports, 1937-50; Correspondence 1947-1949, 1953-60, 1964-73;2; District correspondence 1970-73; Annual reports 1947-60, 1967-75. Box 3: Fund Reports 1915-22; Flower Memorial Fund 1923-26; “Nashville This Week”, Nov 11, 1929; Community Leadership Training Program, Oct. 1958; Skit, “My Fair Lady” [1950s]; Policy Revision 1956-74; Operation Read-Write 1962; Job descriptions 1965-66; Senior Adult 1961-1971; Shoplifting 1968; Alliance for a Better Community, 1970; Jewish Community Council 1969-71; Southern Interstate Regional 1964-67; Head Start 1965-67; Presidents Institute 1973; 1972 “Road Show”; 1973 Social Services Legislation; 80th anniversary of National 1974; WISE (Workers in Service for Education) 1970-74; Insurance forms and reports, day camp, Conv. Home 1961-67; “ We the People in Search of Privacy”,Bicentennial 1976; Financial Sec’y’s report, 1949-1953; Treasurer’s Report 1970-79; Project Opportunity 1972-74. Box 4: IRS Exemption forms 1954-1973; Checks and Bank Statement 1955-61; Auditors’ Reports 1961-76; Bills and receipts 1962-63; Ways and Means 1969, 1971; paid bills 1963-65; Scholarship Loan 1958, 1961-63; Scholarship Memorial Fund 1965-77; Council Cookbook I 1960s. Box 5: Scrapbooks 1968-72, 75th anniversary 1968, 1970-73, 1973 Presidents’ Institute, 1974-76, 1976 bicentennial. Box 6:List of Members 1950-1970s, Naturalized Citizens 1938ff.
Loose scrapbooks: 1976-1986, Nashville Drug Center 1971-76, 1986-1992
MS 13: Shin Aleph (see oversize 1925-35 composite on oversize shelf; 2 oversize scrapbooks on shelf)
Box 1: Minutes
Box 2: Scrapbook 1925-1940s
Box 3: Scrapbook II, Charm School
Box 4: Minutes, Financial Records
MS 14: ORT (See also OB 21 for scrapbook, 1972-80) Oversize Box “MS 14” on top shelf with Observer boxes)
MS 15: Woodmont Country Club
Box 1: Concordia Club, Standard Club, Woodmont Club
Box 2: Droopy Drawers and other photos
Box 3: Woodmont Ladies Golf Association (see also SC 48, Elaine Morris Eskind)
Box 4: Joe Baker family pictures
MS 16: Workmen’s Circle (see also Photo Exhibit, OB 20)
MS 17: Defunct Organizations: (see also SC 162)
- American Council for Judaism (anti-Zionist)
- B’nai B’rith Women
- Brandeis Club of Greater Nashville
- Culture Club/Yiddish Theater
- Tau Lambda Phi Sorority (See also OB 4)
- Mayfair Club
- S.T.P. (See also OB 4)
- Germania Lodge (Masonic—1868-1891). Isaac Levy
- L.D.C. (See also OB 4, 1960’s scrapbooks on center shelf unit), Top Hat, ETC Club, PLS Club, Jolly Kibitzers Club (J.K.C)., Sigma Zeta Mu (SZM), P.D.C., A K, Phi Delta Phi
- Gaylord Club
- No Name Club
- Seven Bachelors’ Club
MS 18: Adolph and Sophie Wiener
Box 1: Wiener/Lusky family
Box 2: Adolph, Bobby Wiener (West High yearbooks, 1944, 1945)
Box 3: Cohn, ,Lieberman, Prousnitzer, Scieff, Iser families (SEE also Tribute to Mrs. Charles Cohn on oversize shelf and in OB 2)
MS 19: Buchman family history
MS 20: Fedora Small Frank
Box 1: Frank Family: Isadore Frank, Phyliss and Stanley Frank (Richard, Robyn), Hilda.
Small Family: Irwin Small, Sylvan and Jerome, Horace and Babe, Richard and Rhonda, Jimmy and Beverly (Doug, Roger, David, Linda). Laura Silverman, Ceigler family
Box 2: Fedora personal: memoir, family tree 1982, tributes, Jewish Heritage Committee 1983, “Speaking of Union Station”, Metro Historical Commission, Book Study Club papers, 39 greeting cards, TSLA Frank Collection list.
Box 3: Writings: See Accession card 426 for list
Box 4: Nashville Jewish community: 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1907, 1915-16. Chronology, miscellaneous notes 1902-1963, Social directory 1911, unpublished research on families
Box 5: Vital Statistics: Court records 1850s-1880s. Jews in the armed services (Civil War (Spitz, Lettman), Spanish American War, World War I (See SC 175 for WWI and II). Burials 1851-1900, Burials in other Nashville Cemeteries,. Marriages 1855-1900 (list, Act, 1879, Greenbaum/Cohen wedding, r/Levy, Elsbach/Lipman. by Iser 1855. Goldberger/Fleisman by Goldammer 1879). Foreign born population of Nashville in 1850. Officers, board members, rabbis of Nashville congregations. Jews buying and selling property 1840-1870. Nashville high school and Peabody college graduates. Research on families. Correspondence: Undated 1952-1981; from former rabbis of The Temple.
Box 6: Other people: Beta Eta Lambda 1922. Myer Oppenheimer, Fechtenbach (sic), Jacob Ellis, Feist, Simpson/Erenstein, Elsback, Sir/Ginsberg, Aaron Bergeda (SC 93), Simon Sigman, Marx, Elaine Parker, Leichtman (to SC 59), American Jewish Tercentenary, Bloomstein family (SC 106), Sax (Savage House), Brothers (Mt. Pleasant). See also MS 15:1), Garritson, Gabrielle Frank/Julia Blumenthal (SC 119). Miscellaneous non Jewish historical photos. First Baptist Church Census cards of Jews 1954-1955. Isabella Spitz’s Ward Seminary Program. Act to permit rabbis to perform marriages, 1879. See also OB 2 for diplomas,
MS 21: American Jewish Historical Society meeting in Nashville 1979.
MS 22: Kuhn family (see also dissertation “The History of the Early Jewish Settlers of Nshville Tennessee,” by Rabbi William Kuhn; see also Hirsch, Fox family SC 26, 68; OB 24)
Box 1: Barbara J. and Gus D. Kuhn family
Box 1A: Small box of 6 audiotapes of Simon Weil
Box 2: Simon Weil, Gus Kuhn family
Box 3: Kuhns-Big K
Box 3A: Kuhn Family Reunion 1995. Family History
Betty Lee Weinstein, Howard Rosen.
Box 4: Temple papers of Gus D. Kuhn 1958-1969
MS 23: Elizabeth Lowenheim Jonas Jacobs
Box 1: Lowenheim family (see also MS 44)
Box 2: Elizabeth Jacobs (See also OB 4)
Box 3: Kay Jewelry, Johnson family, R.D. Blum, Lee Blum
Box 3A: Barker, Harry Blum, Sawyer families
Box 4: Jacobs, Shepard families (SEE OB 26 for Goldie’s mother’s, Mildred Flexer, scrapbook) Doochin to SC 4
Box 5: Hartman family (see also silver tray in showcase)
Box 6: 1911, 1915, 1922, 1924 Hume Fogg Echoes. Jonas family: Betsy Chernau, Suzanne Morris. Lusky .
Box 7: Lowenheim family. Elizabeth’s photos. Mary Jane Lowenheim Werthan’s cemetery videotape (see MS 44)
MS 24: L. Jonas & Co. (See also SC7). Meyer, Elcan family
MS 25: Annette Rose Levy Ratkin family
Box 1: Early Levy papers, (SEE also SC 107, SC 141) Levy’s store, Jaroslawski, Fishgall, Rosenzweig
Box 2: Marx family, Herbert Levy, Cline and Bernheim
Box 3: Annette and Ralph Levy Sr.
Box 4: Ralph Levy Jr. family (1)
Box 5 Ralph Z. Levy Jr. family (2)
Box 6: Gail Levy Seibold
MS 26: Balfour Photo Reproductions – in Oversize Box 5
MS 27: THE OBSERVER/Jacques Back
(2 Paige Boxes: Box 1: Microfilms of THE OBSERVER 1935- to date. Box 2: PEABODY REFLECTOR 1921 – to Vanderbilt Special Collections. MERCHANT AND MANUFACTURER 1920, 1923-24, TENNESSEE MASON 1924, NASHVILLE REVIEW 1919-20, HUME-FOGG ECHO 1923, VANDERBILT COMMODORE 1925, 1927
Box 1: Plaques
Box 2: Personal
Box 3: OBSERVER Photographs
MS 28: Lillian Weinstein Cohen (Girl Scouts)
MS 29: “Davidson County Women in World War I”
MS 30: Sulzbacher, Martin, Lowenstein, Morse, Rosenheim, Meyer Cohen, Landsberger, Betty Lusky, Hecht, Loventhal families business/photographic
MS 31: Morris, John, Jessie Frank family (see SC 57)
MS 32: Holocaust See. Also RG1:26
Box 1: Oral History project
Box 2: Holocaust individuals: Engel, Ellenberg, Gentry, Goshen, Lassing, Levison, Loeb,. Loewenstein, Lorch,Lustig (Reinheimer), Neumann, May, Rosenfeld
Box 3: Schlanger, Schweizer, Seidner family, Slomovic, Snodgrass, Starkand, Strupp, Zelenka. Paper Clips. Treblinka (by Pollack), AJA article about Camp Forrest German Internees. Tn Hist/ Quarterly articlepring 1992. Gant, Evans, Eisenstein Liberators’ photos Proof sheets of Surviviors photos (OB 7). Ruth Cornwall article. MTSU Holocaust program 1991.Ann Frank exhibit 1993. Jewish Video competition award 1995. Harpeth Hall seminar 1983. “Playing for Time” (Circle Theater 1987). Misc.
(4 shoe boxes: Holocaust Oral History audiotapes; 12 boxes of Holocaust Oral history videotapes, plus notebooks , and OB 7 for photographs of interviewees. Hollinger box with DVDs. Video project notebooks).
MS 33: Clairee H. Rosenbaum Levy (See also MS 25)
MS 34: Jews in the University community
Box 1: Individuals, Judaica Library collection (see also MS 39—Lou Silberman)
1916 Vanderbilt U. Medical School commencement program
The Fighting 300th”, by Dr. Louis Rosenfeld (see also MS 44)
Individuals: Abrahams, Alper, Anchor, USN, Bernard, von Raffler-Engel, Bernstein, Blumstein, Boehm, Chazen, Cherry, Mark Cohen, Stanley Cohen, Deutschman, Dobbs-Weinstein, Engel, Epstein, , Fleischer.Fryd, Fuchs, Gabbe, Geller, Goldring, Goodman, Greenstein, Haas,Gorstein, .Halachmi, Rogers, Heller Isenstein, Johnson, Katahn, Mauksch, Meltzer, Miller, Mode -Z, A.J. Levine, Harry May, Dr. David Rabin, Sam Richmond, Herb Rich
Dr. Marc Hollander (Friends of the Library)
Judaica Collection (Lou Silberman, see MS 39)
Eskind Biomedical Library
President’s Commission on the Holocaust (Dr. Ingeborg Mauksch)
1946 Gadfly, commencement program.
Holocaust survivors: Notowitz, Smith, Ziffer, Westfield
Box 2:
Menorah Society 1915-ca. 1918
Graduate summer Institute on Judaism, ADL, B’Nai B’rith, 1972
Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority; 1925(?)-1965
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, 1918-
Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity:, 1928-
1986 Vanderbilt Hustler
The Fugitives
Parthenon restoration, and plays, Sidney M. Hirsch
(Kirk Barton dissertation: “These Are Not Pajamas: All of This Is Life” (Baal Shem Tov)
MS 35: Cullom & Ghertner, Ghertner family
MS 36: Brown/Kirshner
Box 1: Jacobus, Weinbaum, Lucas, Brown, Kirshner families
Box 2: Bea and Percy Cohen, Berdye Cohen
Box 3: Kirshner Box family papers
MS 37:
Box 1: Zager/Wolfe families (Meyer Wolfe m. Louise Dahl-Wolfe). Ralph Cohen
See Box 2
MS 37 (Box 2, Meyer Wolfe)/ MS 38: Rose Goldberg Hirshberg
MS 39: Dr. Lou Silberman (see also MS 34)
MS 40: Mortimer May family (see also library catalog, SC 23)
MS 41: Kornman family
Box 1: Lydia Weille
Box 2: Kornman/Raskin
Box 3: Kornman/Raskin/Meyer
Box 4: 1992 reunion. Weinbergers, Wise, Beck Kornman Raskin’s oral history
MS 42: Glick/Shyer (Ellis, Rich, Lebeck’s), Clarksville
Box 1: Family papers
Box 2: Family photos
MS 4: Dr. Pauline Tenzel (see also library catalog)
MS 44: Werthan family (see also MS 23)
Box 1: Mary Jane, Albert; Leah Rose, Bernard, Betty, Bernard, Lowenheim
Box 1A: Shayne. Albert’s Shamus Club papers. Driving Miss Daisy
Box 1B: Minnie Lowenstein, Epstein/Bogatsky (Skovron). Louis Rosenfeld (see also MS 34), Teitlebaum, Werthan family. Emma Werthan Feldman
Box 2: Joe and Howard Werthan (see also MS 22), Morris Werthan (see also scrapbooks of Libby), Harris Solinsky, Aaron Lande, Godhelp
MS 45: Industrial Removal Office
MS 46: Sow and Grow Garden Club (scrapbook 1975-1990)
MS 47: Congregation Micah
Box 1. Bulletins 1992-1999
Box 2: Bulletins, 2000-2005
Box 2A: New building 2007. Clippings, flyers, 1992-2005. Wendy and Ken Kanter
Box 3:: Clippings, flyers, Bulletins, 2006-
Small Collections:
SC 1 Samuel McKinley Levine
SC 2 Mitchell Lurie
SC 3 Association for Relief of Jewish Widows and Orphans
SC 4 Harry Schwartz Family (Komisar, Doochin, Jacobs, Zeitlin, Cummins, Taradash, Morris Levine)
SC 5 Book Fair Speaker Alfred Kazin (tape)
SC 6 Leah Frank Bloom
SC 7 Jonas/Lowenstein/Lewis Family (see also MS 24) Shelbyville. Dutchman’s Curve
SC 8 Theresa Lowenstein Cohen
SC 9 C. Levy & Bro. Company (Gallatin, TN)
SC 10 Fishgall Family
SC 11 Sabina Greif
SC 12 Izzy Kaufman
SC 13 Maron J. Simon
SC 14 Doyne Family
SC 15 David Elliott Palet
SC 16 Joseph Edward Pasternak
SC 17 Nashville businesses: Hassenfeld, Joe Kraft, Liff, Moskovitz, Pargh, Saturn, Sender, Sprintz, Stolman, Tannenbaum and Ginsberg, Vise, Zimmerman, etc. Public Square project. Delek
SC 18 Blanche Wyman Dembsky photographic
SC 19 Ben Gurion’s Visit to TVA
SC 20 Rosalie Lockenbach
SC 21 Werthan Bag Co.
SC 22 Lindauer/Fensterwald/Eisenstein family (SEE encapsulated composite of photos on oversize shelf; Burk & Co. In SC 23)
SC 23 Dan May family/May Hosiery Mill. Jack May. Fishel family (See also Ms 40)
SC 24 Joe and Bessie Simon/Sternheimer/Sam Levy/Cohen/Robert Green/Weintraub (Weintrub)
SC 25 Grossman/Robin family
SC 26 Hirsch/Fox family
SC 27: Loveman, Berger family/business . Scott Seligman’s Family trees: Loveman, Mills, Rich, Breyer, M.F. Schwartz, Shep Schwartz, Weinstein, Fleisman, Cypress, Bissinger, Sonnenfeld, Wiener, Fishel, Caplan, Yellin, Kornman, Halpern, Meyer, Kraft, Glaboff, Seligman (Cohen, Weil, Brin [Fayetteville]), Mizpah Congregation, Chattanooga (See also SC 176, TSLA), Also Celia Rich and Bessie Pritz.
SC 28 Weingart/Gordon family (Gordon JCC)
SC 29 Marion Alexander Kenigsberg
SC 30 Herbert Kohn (see also RG2). Shamus Club
SC 31 Nat Weise family (Kindergarten)
SC 32 Fannye Schwartz
SC 33 State of Israel Bonds, Nashville Committee
SC 34 Nashville Jews in Politics (Ronnie Steine)
SC 35 Garfinkle/Nochlin family
SC 36 Ira Katz family
SC 37 Bloomfield/Brown/Harris/Bissinger/Lefkovits/Levick/Solomon family (see also SC 157)
SC 38 Komisar,Klott, Klottwog, Luobanow, Berss, Feignbaum family
SC 39 Hyman Cohen
SC 40 Elsa Herzfeld Frank
SC 41 Seymour Samuels family
SC 42 Harry Stern family
SC 43 Ella Haiman
SC 44 Peggy and Martin Tohrner
SC 45 Ethel W. Lutin
SC 46 Alvin Rosenbloom (Jackson,TN)
SC 47 Eisenstat, Hersh
SC 48 Eskind families (Leon Ginsburg, Pearlman)
SC 49 Joe and Gertrude Weinstein (see also SC 75)
SC 50 Nathan Cohen/Weinman
SC 51 Zander, Schulman, Friedman family
SC 52 Koch/Isaacs/Silverman
SC 53 Helen Cohen Bergida. History of Pulaski,, by Nelle Roller Cohen (Harris Solinsky, Sol Cohn, Herman Levinson, Jacob Levine, Morris Levison, Max Stein, I. Denbo). Meyer Cohen, Adolph Jacobs family tree (from Teri Weinstein Cohen) (See SC 93, MS 12:16)
SC 54 Alvin Stillman
SC 55 Redelsheimer family
SC 56 Pilsk family
SC 57 Rich Schwartz, Frank and Leo Schwartz (Ruby Bacherig Kindergarten [Acc 2009, 1930-31, SC 24 {Acc 828}, SC 31, MS 15] Big Brothers (Bertha Fensterwald Social Center). See SC 57
SC 58 Lebeck, Zibart, Frankland families (see Berger, SC27)
SC 59 Starr/Lightman
SC 60 Steiner family
SC 61 Max Sigal family
SC 62 Sheila Levine Family
SC 63 Jewish National Fund
SC 64 Moskovitz, Gross, Kornman, Manas family
SC 65 Rubin Ruskin
SC 66 Haas/Oppenheim
SC 67 Jews in the Arts (Peggy Steine, Sylvia Hyman, Alice Zimmerman)
SC 68 National Conference of Christians and Jews
SC 69 Bromberg Family
SC 70 Dinah Shore
SC 71 Kantor/Spark family
SC 72 Murfreesboro, TN (see Fannie Barnett NCJW oral history)
“The Murfreesboro Jewish Community, 1855-1900” (Henry Hirsh, A. Loeb, Joseph Frank, Landsberger, Henlein, Fleishman, Tobias, Ray Nathan marries Joseph Levy, Ike Hirshburg, Goldstein, H. Abraham.)
Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Lon and Christie Nuell
SC 73 Steinau family
SC 74: Kessler family
SC75: Brooks, Katzman,Averbuch,Zeitlin,Shmerling,Rosenblum,Mehlman,Schklar,Biener,Mendelsohn, Weinstein (SC 49),Brodsky,Yellin,Sigal family (for family photo, see OB 20). Adaskin family tree
SC 76: Goldner,Neaderthal, Rose, Greenfield, Guttman, Pushin, Milner families
SC 77 Freudenthal,Moses family
SC 78 Lester Gross (Pulaski, TN)
SC 79 Bubis family
SC 80 Feldman Family/Nashville Trunk and Bag Co.
SC 81 Ball/Kaduri
SC 82 Lipschutz/Friedman family
SC 83 Maurice and Joy Karr, Marshall Karr, Pete Roth
SC 84 J.B. Cohen Family
SC 85 Cubine/Adler/Marks family
SC 86 Kohnstamm/Paritz family
SC 87 Glenn Feldman, “Jews of Nashville 1900-1920”
SC 88 August family
SC 89 Gilbert family, Lillian Weinbaum [Gilbert], Hume Fogg 1913
SC 90 Powers/Lewis/Mitchell family
SC 91 Cavert School
SC 92 Melba Lapidus
SC 93 Bergeda/Block/Stuart family (see SC 53)
SC 94 Peter Haas, “Jewish Life in Tennessee”. See also SC 187
SC 95 Peter Katz family
SC 96 Peres Levy family
SC 97 Haas family
SC 98 Blumen family
SC 99 Oriental Carnival and Street Fair Official Program, Oct. 16-21, 1899
SC 100 Franklin Havurah
SC 101 Teitlebaum family
SC 102 Harris Abrahams, Michael Schwartz, Tarbox, Hume Fogg, Tennessee Centennial Expo
SC 103 Jake Levine family/Jewish Ledger, New Orleans, Sept. 7, 1900: Ike and J. Lefkovits, Ohabai Shalom, Adath Israel, Hebrew Relief Society, B’nai B’rith, Kesher Shel Barzel, Magazine Circle, Standard Club, Mrs. Harry Joseph, Barney Philips, Ben Lindauer, Max Bloomstein, Benjamin Herman, Joseph Morse, Sol and Dave Cline, Abe Wolf, Lee J. Loventhal, Saul Gordon, Rachel Salzkotter, Lizzie Lee Bloomstein, H. Redelsheimer, William Herman, Mr. And Mrs. M. Feldman, Herman Lusky, Rabbi Lewinthal, Nathan Cohn, Hattie Harczyk (Tugendrich), Sam Lowenstein, Emanuel Wolf, Dr. S.M. Bloomstein, Sallie Crone, Sam Lowenstein, Dr. J. H. Feist (see MS20:6), Martin S. Loventhal
SC 104 Davis, Seloff, Rosenblum, Levine, Klein, Dresner family (See OBSERVER, 2/8/91)
SC 105 Tullahoma, TN
SC 106 Bloomstein family (SEE also MS 7D, Magazine Circle; OB 6)
SC 107 Effron,Heymann,Latner,Bernwald family (See also SC 141)
SC 108 Rady family
SC 109 Rob Spinney, The Jewish Community In Nashville 1939-1949
SC 110 Feinstein family
SC 111 Kleeman,/Osman, Lusky family (also Clarksville)
SC 112 Roden/Hermann family
SC 113 Pargh (See OB 26). Lipschutz, Stein, Shore, Seligman, Julian Cohen, Weil family
SC 114 Skull Schulman
SC 115 Country music
SC 116 Jacqueline Hechtkopf
SC 117 Harrison Gray (TN Rep)
SC 118 Cindie and Michael Gold
SC 119 Manuel Frank Family (see also MS 20)
SC 120 Burt Hummell
SC 121 Leon Ruben
SC 122 Meta and Richard Windmiller
SC 123 Aaron Hiller
SC 124 Cypress/Knights of Joseph
SC 125 Jesse Kornbluth
SC 126 Abe Stein
SC 127 Samuel Kaufman
SC 128 Herman Kushner
SC 129 Bruce Levy
SC 130 Cherie Bennett/Jeff Gottesfeld
SC 131 Porges
SC 132 Herman and Irma Kaplan
SC 133 Michael Rose
SC 134 Harmony Korine
SC 135 Richard Feldman
SC 136 Janet and Perry March
SC 137 Levitch
SC 138 Molly Slabosky
SC 139 Tonelson
SC 140 Kahn/Levy
SC 141 Hipsh, Heymann, Caperton, Nassauer, Levy Fayetteville (See also SC 107,SC 141, MS 25)
SC 142 Sandy Woolf
SC 143 Robert Levy
SC 144 Lee and Peter Haas
SC 145 Carol Orsborne
SC 146 Dan Nichols
SC 147 Bruce and Norma Rogers
SC 148 Reva and Gene Heller
SC 149 Joe Cohen (See also MS 3)
SC 150 Isaacs, Mendelsohn, Mehlman
SC 151 Max Levine (see also MS 3)
SC 152 Olivia Newman
SC 153 Herzog/Klein
SC 154 Center for Jewish Awareness
SC 155 Fran Kaminitz
SC 156 Limor family (see also MS 32)
SC 157 Bissinger, Haber, Lusky, Burke, Kornman, Lucks, Rosenthal (see also SC 37)
SC 158 Eli Zacharin (see also RG 2)
SC 159 Percy Cohen, Patsy Barnett Wind (see also Fannie Barnett OH, MS 12)
SC 160 Phil Roseman (Memoirs of Trimble, Tennessee)
SC 161 John Calligham II
SC 162 Kesher Shel Barzel
SC 163 Berl Klein’s will
SC 164 Ohava Emes
SC 165 Lubin/Moskovitz/Rayman/Silverfield families
SC 166 Russian Kongregation Teforet Israel 1885
SC 167 Dr. Jerome Klein family
SC 168 Southern Jewish Historical Society photographic exhibit: Nov. 2003: Vine Street Temple, JCC (3), West End Synagogue (2), Akiva, Sherith Israel (Mitzi has on computer at Temple)
SC 169 Slutsky, Buc families
SC 170 Salzkotter, Schwab families
SC 171 Civil Rights. Clive Webb, ‘We Will Not Yield: Racial and Anti-Semitic Violence in 1950s Nashville.” Civil rights in the Nashville Jewish Coimmunity (Annete Ratkin). See also RG2:20A, MS 2:7A
SC 172 Sam Riven and family
SC 173 Janette Silverman, “Three More Than a Minyan: the Integration and Assimilation of Jews in Nashville, TN,” 2004
SC 174 Frank School of Music (Leon Frank)
SC 175 Jews in World War I and II(See also MS 20:6)
SC 176 TSLA exhibit on Jews in Tennessee, Oct. 11, 2004. Tennessee State library Judaica collection.
SC 177 Al and Ned Feldman
SC 178 Laurie Moore, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
SC 179 Layman family
SC 180 Bierfield murder, Franklin, 1868. Friedman murder (1884). Fishman fire, 1909.
SC 181 Yazdian family
SC 182 Ochs family
SC 183 Columbia, TN: Gene Heller, Bogatsky & Bauman, Louis Loeb, William Barker, David Lazarus (see also Pulaski), Z. Levy
SC 184 Jackson, TN (see also SC 46). Brownsville, TN
SC 185 Rabbi Herman Saltzman, Hertzka family
SC 186 West End High School
SC 187 Histories of the Jews of Tennessee, Kentucky: Encylopedia Judaica, Stuart Rockoff, ISJL: Bristol/Johnson City, Brownsville, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Columbia, Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, Murfreesboro, Oak Ridge, Tullahoma, Union City (see also Haas, SC 94)
SC 188 Jewish American Music Festival 2007
SC 189: Volunteer Voices
SC 190 Westfield family
SC 191. Morris-Pailet families
SC 192: Zimmerman family
SC 193: Melman family