January 2009
Box 1:
Original cemetery book, B’nai Yeshurun, 1863-1882
Cemetery records 1851-1900 (history of cemetery)
Jewish marriages 1855-1900
Jewish community 1885-1889 (with Fedora’s lists)
Jewish community 1890-1894 (with Fedora’s lists)
Jewish community 1895-1899 (with Fedora’s lists)
Box 2:
1. Newspapers 1849-1888 (see list). Electrical letter 1895. Alb Rosenfeld’s 1862 letter (see OB). .
2. Pictures: Lande, Blum, Weil, Spitz, Barker, Sulzbacher (to JF)
3. Charters: Ladies’ Working Society; Ohavai Shalom 1868,1933,1954; Mogen David 1854, 1855. Act to permit rabbis to perform weddings. Marriage license Simon Cohen, Rebecca Greenbaum, Nov. 18, 1855 (A. Iser). .
5. Cemetery deeds, papers,
6. Early prayerbooks
7. Collection book 1893-1894
8.Yearbooks 1902-03, 1903-04
Box 3:
1. Jews buying and selling property
Notes on Nashville graduates
B’nai Yeshurun officers 1864-1876
Officers of Ladies’ Working Society 1878-1891
Ohava Emes officers 1863-1867
Officers, board members of Nashville congregations 1851-1904
2. Spanish American War Veterans
YMHA News, June 1918–members in WWI
Davidson County Jewish boys in WWI
Photos of WWII memorial marker in Temple cemetery , group with Julius Mark at Oahu 1945
WALKIE TALKIE 1944-1945 (sent to servicemen. Oct. 1944: “Out of 580 members, the Vine Street Temple boasts 209 men and women in the armed services.”
5. Rabbi Lewinthal: Resolution of Condolences on death of his wife Estelle Bloch 8/30/1921. Newspapers 2/7/1891; sermon 9/19/1908; 1/8/1898; 1919-1922. “Ten Years” report, 1898 (lists of officers, confirmands, etc.) “Scriptural Question” (San Antonio). 25th Anniversary program. Obituaries (served 34 years, d.1922). Photos. SEE OB for testimonial
6. Vine Street Temple: Photos. Jeffrey Zager research paper (also information about 1954 Temple)
Insurance payment 1843
Census of Temple by First Baptist Church 1885
Rabbi Isidore Lewinthal’s mortuary record 1888-1922 (Indexed)/ See Marriage Books, OB 10
Box 4:
2. Early cemetery: 1887 title; removal of fence between O.S. and A.I. (Adath Israel) 1912, 1909: sale of property to A.I. Construction papers 1885 chapel.
3. Cemetery records 1927-1941.
4. Cemetery (transferred to Nat Weise box)
5. Cemetery bequests 1940s, 1950s (see also Nat Weise box)
6. Papers of Mrs. J.C. Lusky pertaining to cemetery 1933
7. Cemetery notebooks
Box 5: Rabbis (See also Box 7, 7A)
1. Richard Stern 1923-1926
2. Newspaper clippings 1920-1936 (Pastors’ assn. protests treatment of Jews in Germany)
3. Julius Mark 1926-1948. 1924–Fiftieth Anniversary of V.S. Temple
7. Lou Silberman (See also JF Archives MS 34)
8. Sylvan Schwartzman (1948-50)
9. Bernard Bloom, Rabbi Sheingold, Byron Rubenstein, Isadore Kalisch, A. Wechsler (B’nai Yeshurun), I. Moses, Herman Saltzman (not O.S.), J.S. Goldhamer, D. Burgheim (See: Lewinthal, Box 3)
List of Temple Presidents and Rabbis
Box 6:
1.Confirmation service programs 1894-1989
2. Confirmation banquets, skits)
Box 6A (See Rabbi Fuchs’s dissertation, Box 7A):
Confirmation pictures 1895-2004 (see also OB26 for 1939)
50th reunion of class of 1952 disc (October 2002)
60th reunion of class of 1935 (1995)
Scans and CD and negatives of Confirmation pictures in hall (see also oversize shelf and against Archives wall below) Against wall:1976, 1984, 1990, 1994, 1996*, 1997* 1998*, 1999, 2000*, 2001. (*Duplicates) Oversize : 1982, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000. Originals (on oversize shelf): 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980. On Shelf: 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1989.
From Betty Lee Rosen, 4/8/07: Confirmation Composites:
Against Wall: ORIGINALS; 1976, 1984, 1990, 1994, 1996*, 1997*, 1998*, 1999, 2000*, 2001.
DUPLICATES: (oversize)*: 1982, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000.
ORIGINALS ON OVERSIZE SHELF: 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1989
Box 6B: For 1939, 1935 certificates, SEE OB 26
Confirmation 1957-1967, 1977,1978, 1979. See also 13D for Confirmation papers in with annual folders.
Box 6C:
Confirmation 1968-1975, 1939-1956 programs, speeches, etc.
Box 6D: Confirmation 1990 to date
Box 7: Rabbis: (see also Boxes 5, 7A, 8)
Rabbi Ken Kanter (installed 11/21/80, to Mizpah 11/23/83
Rabbi Jan Brahms (asst. rabbi 1976-1980; to Baton Rouge 1980-83; back to Temple as assoc. rabbi 1983
Rabbi Fred Guttman
Rabbi Randall Falk (and videotape of 75th b’day 1996)
Vote on cantors 1978, cantor Cline, Elson
Cantor Peter Halpern 1980-84
Box 7A: Rabbis: (See also Box 5, 8)
Rabbi Beth Davidson
Rabbi Stephen Fuchs (slides, etc., installation 9/5/86; papers) 1986-97
Rabbi David Davis (1997-2001 )
Rabbi Mark Schiftan 1999-
Cantor Bernard Gutcheon. Mrs. Lynda Gutcheon, educator
Rabbi Allison Flash
Rabbi Shana Goldstein
Rabbi Alexis Berk
Box 8: (See Box 5, 7A for other rabbis)
Nashville Jewish community 1900-1910
Rabbi Bernard Starkoff
Rabbi William Silverman (1950-1960). See JF Archives
Groundbreaking photos Harding Road, cornerstone laying : Harding road (see also Paige Box 8)
Louis Nicholas papers inventory at JUL
Tercentenary celebration, 1654-1954: Oct. 1954-May 1955 gubernatorial proclamation. scrapbook.
Dedication 1955 (see also Paige Box 8)
Box 9:
Temple minutes 1898-1923, 1902-1912, 1913-1924.
Addenda to annual meeting minutes 1898-1925
Box 9A:
Temple minutes 1920-1926, 1926-1933 , Oct. 1937
Box 10A: Minutes 1937-1958
Box 10B: Minutes 1958-1967
Box 10C: Minutes 1968-1974
Box 10D: Minutes 1975-1982
Box 10E: Minutes 1982-1983 (missing 1984-85 [for 1985-87, see Audiocassettes]. 1987-88, 1989-90). 1991-2000 (Minutes, July 2000-2004: Mitzie. 2004- : Donna
Box 11A:
Temple Bulletins 1926 (once)-1966
Box 11B:
Temple Bulletins 1967-1975
Box 11C:
Temple Bulletins 1976-1981
Box 11D:
Temple Bulletins 1982-1988
Box 11E:
Temple Bulletins 1989-1992
Box 11EE:
Temple Bulletins 1992-1997
Box 12: Temple Youth
1940s, 1950s to date
Box 12A: Temple Youth
Box 12B: Temple Youth
1950s to date
Box 13A: Religious School
Hattye Bubis PTA (organized Nov. 1926) president’s report 1926-1927
Enrollment 1929-1957
1953-1954 (includes Confirmation)
1954-1955 (includes Confirmation, plus Julius Mark letter: Confirmation is always Shavuot)
Student Council 1963-1975
Policies 1937-1976
Pageant by Rabbi Richard Stern ca. 1925
Box 13B: Religious School
THE CONFIRMER: 1950-1, 1952, 1954, 1955
Religious School publications 1950-1971
Religious school administrative policies 1937-1976
Student Council 1963-1975
Literary magazines 1972-1983
Personnel practices 1973
Teachers’ salaries 1972-1982
Hebrew Program
Box 13C: Religious School
Consecration pictures, etc. 1947-2007
School pictures 1940s-1960s
Bar/Bat mitzvah 1950s (Bat started 1957), speeches, etc., also 1970s
Religious school 1961-1985
Box 13D: Religious School
Genealogy elective grades 4-5-6 Fall 1983; 7-8, 4-5-6 1983-84. See also oral histories
Attendance books 1978-85
Pre-Confirmation class 1984-85
Religious School Committee 1977-78, 1981-86
Faculty bulletins, roster, 1986-89
Sisterhood Rel. School textbook sales 1967-77
Box 13E: Religious School
Handbooks, directories 1984-85, 1994-96, 1998-2000
Dedication Rel. school 2000
Yearbooks 1988-89, 1989-90, 1991-92
Rosters 1991-98
Teachers’ manuals 1988-89, 1989-90, 1992-93
Curriculum 1991-92
Ruachs 1994-95, 1999
NATE accreditation 1998, Committee minutes 4/27/99
Songbook (n.d.)
Box 14: Religious School
William Rosenblum director of religious school 1919(?)-1923 Moved to box 16)
Religious school 1999-to date
Preschool 1998-
2001-2002 budget
Costa Rica Torah 2007
2008 Tzedakah allocations
Box 15:
1924: Fiftieth Anniversary (of Vine Street Temple building)
1928 anniversary, 60th
1931; Religious school addition
1934: Testimonial dinner honoring Nathan Cohn for 50 yrs. of service
1938: 70th Anniversary
1943: 75th anniversary (historical skit and notes) OBSERVER 12/3/43
1948: correspondence about 80th anniversary
1958: 90th anniversary
100th anniversary of joining UAHC 1973
Special services (VE day, Randall Falk’s 10th anniv, 1976, first Selichot, 1972, 1973 Selichot (Lou Silberman)
High holiday services: 1906, 1911, letters telling how to get tickets to War Memorial for 1948 high holydays, etc., tickets 1951-52; seating capacity of VS Temple vs. War Memorial
Social Justice Committee Minutes 1963 (see also Box 32 for SJ history)
Annual meetings 1972-76, 1986 (1968, 100th)
Box 16:
THREE QUARTERS OF A CENTURY (1880s map; First American 1957)
NASHVILLE SKYLINE (1975, Vanderbilt exhibit–story of Schnell family)
Attempted bombing of The Temple 1981
Dr. Albert Weinstein
Richard Morin, educator
Congregational leaders (presidents) and William Rosenblum, director of Religious School 1919(?)-1923
Annual meetings 1994-96
Membership Committee Reports 1988-90
Board and Committee lists 1988-89
Temple Board members 1950s-1980s
Box 17A: Annual meeting minutes 1924-1964
Box 17B: Annual meeting minutes 1965-1984
Membership roster 1983
Box 18: Constitutions:
1890 constitution and By-Laws
1909 Charter, Constitution and By Laws
1923 constitution
Constitution 1943-2000
Box 19: Brotherhood 1925-1994. History of Brotherhood /Sisterhood Interfaith Dinner 1945-1994
Box 20: Sisterhood
“The Oppenheim Pictures”
Early annual reports. SEE OB 2 for 1949-50 annual report (scroll)
1901 Bazaar book (Ladies’ Auxiliary)–see OB1 for Journal; copy of 1896 burial shroud receipt
Photographs of holiday table settings (n.d)
Program material 1922-25
Institutes and conferences 1923-71
Clippings 1920-1959
50 yr. history 1870-1929
“A Modern Moses,” by Fedora Frank 1935-61
Report of KY-TN Fed. Temple Sisterhoods 1/13/28 and plaque to Corinne Lieberman Cohn from them
1920-1960 (See also OB 4 scrapbooks)
Box 20A: Sisterhood minutes 1916-1925
Box 20B: Sisterhood minutes 1926-1941
Annual reports, 1939-40, 1940-42
History 1932-1949 Part 2
Constitution and by-laws, 1937, 1997
Box 20C: Sisterhood minutes 1941-1960
Hattye Bubis 1947-49 Annual Report and papers
Box 20D: Sisterhood minutes 1960-1968
Box 20E: Sisterhood minutes 1968-1982, motions passed 1966-78 (Temple Preschool opened Mar. 2, 1976)
Box 20F: Sisterhood Minutes 1979-2001
Financial Statements 1991-1999
Box 21: Sisterhood final reports, treasurers’ reports, gift shop reports, NFTS 1968-1979
Housekeeping inventories 1968-1975
Ohio Valley Federation Biennial April 18-20, 1988 (Nashville); 1980-1990
Passover Recipes from the Outreach Committee
Ways and Means 1962-1973
Box 22: Sisterhood Annual Reports 1969-1994. (Preschool began 1975-76)
Undated programs
1950-1992 Photos, clippings, flyers, etc.
1976 Fedora Frank, “Our Nashville Jewish Pioneers”
Sisterhood Shabbats, 1970-87. “A Salute to our 50-year members”, 1975.
Box 23: Sisterhood 1993-2007 papers, photos
Yearbooks 1952-2003 (5714, 5716, 5718, 5719, 5726, 5728, 5730, 5731, 5734, 5741-56) 2002 missing (see Jewish Fed. Archives)
See also scrapbooks on oversize shelves: 1962-1967, 1967-81, 1985-94 (1916-1962 in OB 4)
Box 24:
Marriage Books: 1896-1928, 1950-1967
Young Marrieds 1958
Boy Scout Troop 40: 1960s, 1970s
Choir, Jewish Music Month
Campaign 1951 (UAHC, HUC)
Clarence Bernstein Memoriam
Box 25:
List of Contents of Paige boxes
Rabbi Falk’s Correspondence 1970s,1980s (mostly Federation) See also Box 38, Paige boxes 1-3.
Rabbi Falk’s correspondence L-Z 1984 (philosophy re intermarriage 1968). Kelly Miller Smith resolution
Clippings 1966, 1981-82 (Ray Ham)
Rabbi Falk’s correspondence 1974-1984
Scattered 1968 Minutes and correspondence
1960-1970 correspondence, minutes, etc.
Choir 1959 (Silverman wanted a cantor/Harold Katz), 1960 (Falk)-1981 (Peter Halpern)
Building and maintenance 1969-70 (youth lounge addition, rabbinage)
Black-Jewish dialogue 1980-81
B’nai B’rith BBYO 1977
MTSU 1978-84
Jr. League, Kiwanis 1981
Metro and state gov’t (R. Fulton’s inaugural invocation 9/2/75) 1966-75
UAHC Midwest Council Biennial, Nashville 1978
Box 26: Renovations:
Front office/rabbi’s study 1981
Classroom/conference room 1983
Restrooms/cloakroom 1983
Sanctuary/auditorium/extended foyer 1984
Chapel 1980-82
Box 26A Renovations:
Memorial alcove/gift shop 1983
Sanctuary/memorial alcove 1982-84
The Temple—Photos/architects renderings 1957-80
Traditions exhibit 1986
Torah table 1987
Temple aerial view 1987. Photos 1990
Interior remodeling 1984
Box 27:
Beautification Committee 1958-1976, 1980-86
Library 1979
Box 28:
Adult education seminars 1950-1986
Box 29: Cemetery (Nat Weise) (See OB 2)
Old chapel photo and postcard
Cemetery history
Correspondence 1954-61, 1960s
Committee minutes, etc. 1950s, 1956
Information 1952-54, 1956-58, 1964, 1968-69, 1975-79, 1984-85
Society on Dying, Death, and Bereavement 1980
1964, Flagpole donated by Mitch Magid. April 15, 1964, Caretaker’s house completed
1963, War memorial, by Hunt & Sons
The Bowies, 1930s-1950s, caretakers before Radford Stewart
Radford Stewart and wife, caretakers 1960s-1975 (when William Wallace took over)
Box 30: Cemetery (Nat Weise):
1950s, 1960s. 1963 Cemetery rules (blue book). 1967 Perpetual Care
Box 31:
Gifts to The Temple 1966-1986
Torah mantles (and needlepoint binders)1976
Holocaust Torah 1980
Art acquisition panel 1984-85
Legacy of Loyalty committee 1982-86
Library and Museum Committee 1984-85
Temple membership brochures 1970s, 1980s
1960s: Administrative Survey (1966). Administrator (1967). Liquor (1969). Couples Club
Box 32: Committees 1970s & 1980s
Temple Survey 1979
Social Action Com. 1979-86. History of Social Justice/Social Action Com. 1961-2007 (information 2/25/94: committee established 4/18/1961 minutes; added to Temple Constitution 2/15/65, ART. VII, Sec. 20; Chairmen: Fred Goldner 12/19/61; Robert Eisenstein 1964; Annette Levy [Ratkin] 1965-68; Louis Katzman 1975; Bernard Werthan Jr. 1975-76; Davine Levison 1976; Ethel Lutin 1979; Molly Slabosky 1980-81)
Hope Inc. house renovation 1983
Long Range planning 1981-86
Ways and Means 1980-83
Temple Board of Trust and committee lists 1970-71, 1980-89
1982 Guide for the Use of Temple Property
Box 33: Committees:
Worship and Music 1980
Nominating 1983-84
Building and Maintenance 1982-84
preschool 1976-84 (1983 T shirt)
Personnel practices 1963-75 (Morin hiring)
Committees 1984-85
Senior Templars 1980s, album 1985-86, 1990s
Thursday AM study group 1977-83
New York trip (adult) 1985
Correspondence 1985
All Tennessee Congregations meeting 1984
Adult Jewish Singles 1979-80
1958 certificate as a founding congregation of UAHC (85th anniv.)
Adult Ed. course outlines 1985
Board of Trust shabbatons 1985
Financial reports 1985-86
Adult Ed committee 1984-1990
Funds Committee 1980s
Adult Ed.: Elie Wiesel, Friday, Feb. 20, 1970, 8PM
Worship Committee 2003-2004
Box 34: Shabbat festival 1974
Shabbaton 1980
Box 35:
Redeemed bonds (1892), old insurance policies
Correspondence about first organ 1893m receipts, 1890s
Bequests 1931-1980
Ellendale property deeds (to Julius Mark)
1954 Sale of Vine St. Temple property
Ledger bequests 1960s
Box 36: Temple Art (Julius Mark oil portrait, by Max Westfield [SC 190], from Shamus Club, Sept. 21, 1948)
Miscellaneous: Purim textile (Florence Eskind Zucker). Peggy Steine Hannukiyah, Medallic history coins (Bender), Kuhn Seder plate (in honor of Rabbi Falk’s retirement?), Ira Arbitman vitrage (destroyed), Marc Chagall painting, Shraga Weil painting, Sukkah (Limor/Denbo), B. Weinstein megillah, Agam, Ilya Schor rimonim,
Chaim Gross
Kopel Gurwin applique banner
Oded Halachmy pomegranate gate
Louis Kaish kiddush cup (Hecht)
A. Raymond Katz (memorial alcove door, stained glass windows, exterior stone sculpture, bronze medallions of the Tanach, chapel menorah)
Herman Perlman glass
Ben Shahn mosaic
Ludwig Wolpert shabbat candelabra
Barney Zeitz glass art
Reuven Rubin 1977
Stained glass windows, Vine Street Temple
Memorial Hanukkiah, ca. 1945
Torah Crown, 1876
Box 37:
Art appraisal 1982/Sukkah 1981
Helen Silberman sculpture 1982
Guide to archaeological exhibit (Bronfman, Simon Weil, Israel Museum)
Sig Held photos of Temple art
Slides/negatives Temple art
Israel ritual objects.
Torah covers
Susan Knowles Art Catalog 1994 (rev. 2004)
Laurie Gross stained glass
2005 brochure
Ayalah Gordon Torah covers (see Family Room Closet)
Description of Temple art
Kiddush wine goblet, in memory of Dianne Gilbert 2005
“Seven Days of Creation” sanctuary tapestry 2008
“Bagels and Barbecue” artifacts 2007-8
Box 38:
Rabbi Falk’s correspondence 1981-83 (see also Paige Boxes 1-3)
Box 39:
1991 140th anniversary photo album
1980 Temple fundraiser and 25th anniversary of new building
1983 Katz fundraiser
Hank Brooks campership Fund 1982-83
Funds committee 1981-84
Investment committee 1981-84
Financial reports 1982-83
Box 40: 1998-2002
Remembrance booklets
Membership directories
150th anniversary publications, programs 2000-01
2000-2002 file
Histories (old, and recent); membership brochures 1970s
Congregants’ Hour disc, 1990-1995
Box 40A: Mitzvah Day 1995-
Ch.5 videotape Habitat for Humanity 9/9/01
Books of Remembrance 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002
Congregants’ Hour disc 1990-1995. Constitution (May 2002), latest
Box 40B: Jewish Film Festival 1001-2004 (from JF Archives Acc2062, Kathy Gutow collection)
Box 41: 2003-2007
Pictures of Temple that are on Mitzie (Temple) computer
See VIDEO Box: 2003 Distinguished Lecture Series, 2003 Community Thanksgiving Service,
June 19, 2004 Adult B’nai Mitzvah,
Committee reports.
Annual meetings 2007
Box 41A: 2007-2009
Beautification Committee 2001-2007. 2008 workshop.
Library and archives committee 2007-
Preschool 2008
Box 42: Cemetery Committee 2003-2006
National Register of Historic Places, 2004; Historic Marker, 2004
Tennessee Historical Commission grant 2004-5, 2005-6
Cemetery tours: Parthenon, Sept. 20, 2005; USN, 4/23/06
(information: Alvin Friedman, Cem. Chair 1958; War Memorial 1963, Jas. Hunt & Sons; Flagpole 1964 donated by Mitch Magid; April 15, 1964, caretaker’s home completed)
Box 43: Cemetery 2006-
Metro Historical Commission Commissioners’ Award
Book Burial 2008
Cemetery committee 2006-
Rules and Regulations 2009
Maps and Histories, Section F list
OB 1: Confirmation pictures 1943 (see also box 6A)
Marriage certificate of Henry Simpson and Mary Cronstein Jan. 13, 1884
Marriage cert. of Theodore Ash and Julia Blumenthal Jan. 20 1886
Confirmation cert. of Selene Goldberg , May 29 1925
Marriage certificate of Gilbert J. Fox and Natelle Hirsch March 25, 1919
THE BAZAAR JOURNAL Dec. 16, 1901 (see box 20)
Centennial of HUC, 125th year of Ohabai Shalom–election of Mrs. David Steine as president 1976
Natelle Hirsch’s confirmation certificate June 5, 1908
Confirmation certificate Samuel Hirshberg June 5, 1946
Confirmation certificate Dave Lowenstein 1894
Charter of incorporation of Hebrew Relief Society Aug. 31, 1891
Charter of Incorporation of Avath Achim May 11, 1892
Charter of Incorporation of YMHA Feb. 7 1903
Picture of Rabbi Falk (1950s, and State of TN House Resolution 1986
1976 annual meeting of congregation
Pictures of Hanukkah, NASHVILLE BANNER 12/19/84 (to Gutcheon)
Blueprints: Sanctuary refurbishment (Bulla 1984); Memorial Alcove (Berle Pilsk); bathroom 1982
Mimi Klein newspaper article 1984 (Hanukkah)
OB 2: Cemetery book from 1925—. Maps, deeds of cemetery (copies in Cemetery Record closet (on top of file cabinet) in Conference room
Photos from Miriam Weinstein of old cemetery chapel
Photo of Harry Blum, Nat Weise 1988
Photos of Temple exterior and Pomegranate Gate by Miriam Weinstein
Vine Street Temple Sisterhood Annual Report 1949-50 (scroll from Box 20)
Oversize Box 3:
Ledgers: Vine Street Temple Improvement Fund, April 1937. Operation journal 1945-1948. Contributions to funds 1967-1970
Marriage record books 1967-1978, 1978-1986
OB 4: Sisterhood scrapbooks 1916-1957 (see also Box 20)
Paige boxes (tan office-size):
Rabbi Falk’s Files:
Paige Box 1:
Bar/Bat Mitzvah 1979-1987
Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvahs 1982-1985
Boy Scout Sabbath
Congregational Seders, 1950s-1980s
Freedom Seder for Black clergy 1985
Passover Memorial Service outlines 1970s-1980s
Passover seders- other churches, 1980s
B’rit and Naming and Blessing a baby services 1970s 1980s
College Homecoming Sabbath 1970s-1984
Baccalaureate services 1960s-1980s (retrieved, Lee)
Music services 1950s
Brotherhood sabbaths 1980s
Chanukah workshop programs 1981
Services chavurot 1980s
New member–Services of consecration 1980s
Organ 1980s, 1950s
Boy Scout sabbath 1970s
Outreach sabbath 1985
“Congregational Encounter” 1975
Congregational responses “A Moment in Time” 1974
Consecration poem 1973
Consecration services 1980s
Shabbat HaGadol
Dedication Sabbaths 1984, 1982
Jewish Experiential Workshops 1970s
Kabbalat Shabbat, Lag Baomer
Mother’s Day 1985
Minyan 1976
Moratorium Day 1969
Creative (Nashville)
Israel Independence Day
Yom Kippur Eve
Marriage 1970s & 1980s
Summer 1982
Sukkot to 1985
Temple Youth 1980s
Community Thanksgiving 1980
Tisha B’ab 1970
UAHC Midwest Council Shabbat 1984
Sisterhood programs 1949-77
Sisterhood annual shabbats 1971-85 (interspersed in Box 22)
Sisterhood-Brotherhood 1961, 1966,1976
Tenth Anniversary Richard Morin (Educator) 1973
Simchat Torah (Consecration) 1957-85
Purim/Pesach 1964-75
Physicians’ Sabbath 1967
Shabbat 1950-75
Selichot 1970s
Shimini Atzeret 1977-85
Paige Box 2: Rabbi Falk’s files, from Lee Haas 6/4/86
Board of Trustees 1978-81
Cradle Roll 1977-85
Budget and Finance Com. 1980-84
Building and maintenance 1980-82
Caring and Concern 1983-85
Cantors 1978- (Sheila Cline–first cantor; congregational meeting 1980; question of making a permanent position, 1981, etc.)
Cemetery Committee 1980-84, 1985-86
College Committee 1983-84
Committee Chaimen 1983-84
Deaths 1983-84
Couples Club 1980-84
Adult Education 1984-85
Goldman Camp Institute 1979-84
Camperships 1976-85
Tennessee State Archives 1977
United Nations 1978
United Way 1976-83
Board of Trust Shabbaton 1984
Temple brochures
Hank Brooks Campership Fund 1984
Building and Maintenance Committee 1984-85
Buz-A-Bus 1978-83
Chavurot: I-III single women 1983-84; II 1969 (extinct); III 1981-85
Youth Choir 1981-83
Clergy Institute 1980, 1985
Constitution and ByLaws 1979-84
Contingency Committee 1984
Docents Class 1983-84
Financial Reports 1983-85
Funds Committee 1984-85
Temple Grounds 1977-80
Insurance Coverage 1981-82
Israel trip 1985
Job descriptions 1979-80
Laotian family 1979
Marriage encounter 1976
Marriage enrichment seminar 1979
Nominating committee 1984-85
General Memorial Fund 1979-85
Outreach committee 1984-85
Public Relations Committee 1972-80
Personnel and administrative Practice Committee 1980-83
Prayer Books 1980-84
President’s Council 1979-85
Temple property 1967-80
Sex education Grade 8 1984-85
Singles club for Jewish adults 1982-84
Estelle and Horace Small Campership Fund 1984
Social Action committee 1984-85; Elkins ave. house 1982-83
Society on Dying, Death and Bereavement 1979-82
Torah Commentary 1980-83
Simon Weil Lectureship 1979-83
Executive Committee 1985-86
Membership Committee 1985-86
Nominating Committee 1985-86
Library and Museum Committee 1985-86
Fees committee 1985-86
Dues Equalization Committee 1985-86
Committee Chairmen 1985-86
Hank Brooks Campership Fund 1985
Budget and Finance Committee 1985-86
Estelle and Horace Small Campership Fund 1985
Worship and Music Committee 1984-86
Paige Box 3: (Rabbi Falk)
Bar Mitzvah Michael Friedman (Zimmerman)- Israel 1983
Interfaith services 1978-85
Bar Mitzvah-Soviet Jewry 1983
Adult Jewish Singles Service 1977
Passover Services and programs 1985-86
Prayers 1966-85
High holidays
Yom Hashoah service 1983
Sample letters–People to People sabbaths 1963-74
High holyday music outlines thru 1977
Shevuot 1985
Selichot services 1979-85
Baccalaureate services 1965-80
Yom Kippur outlines 1981-83
Rosh Hashona outlines 1981-83
High holyday participants 1978-85
High holidays 1978-85
Yom Kippur youth services 1960-80
High holydays: Minyan services (auxiliaries) 1979-87
Memorial services 1964-85 (cemetery)—during high holydays
Yom Kippur family services 1958-84
Rosh Hashonah children’s services thru 1983
Yom Kippur outlines 1978-80
Rosh Hashanah outlines 1978-80
High holydays 1978-85
Correspondence n-r 1985-86
Sermons, Erie, PA
Paige Box 4: Rabbi Falk’s sermons
Paige Box 5: Rabbi Fuchs correspondence (1986-90)
Paige Box 6: Rabbi Fuchs:
Correspondence 1991
Negatives rabbinage, 1209 Canterbury (new roof)
Annual meetings 1980,1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1997
Worship and Music 1986-87
Temple Youth 1985-87
Small campership fund 1986-87
Social Action 1987-91
Sisterhood 1987-88, 1990-91
Senior Templars 1986-87
Resignations 1985-87
Religious school committee 1986-89
Preschool 1984-88
Outreach 1987-90
Nominations 1986-87
Membership 1987-90
Long range planning 1986-87, 1990
Library, Archives, Museum 1983-84, 1987-88
Investment 1986-87
Hospitality and attendance 1986-87
Dues equalization 1987-88
Cong. Relations 1986-87
Cemetery 1987-90
Caring and concern 1986-87
Building maintenance 1987-88
Budget 1987-91
Brotherhood 1987-88,1990-91
Board of Trustees 1987-88
Adult education 1986-87
Beautification 1986-90
Deaths 1984-90
Computer 1982-89
College dinner 1988-91
Chavurah 3 1985-86
Chavurot 1,4,5,6, single women 1983-85
Catholic-Jewish dialogue 1986-91
Couples Club 1985-86
Administrator bookkeeper 1966-90
Judaica gift shop 1979-85
Lee and Theresa Kuhn Fund 1982-85
Kuhn Memorial Fund 1978-85
Rosalie Lockenbach fund 1982
Lunch with the rabbi 1987-88
New members 1985-88
Memorial tablets committee 1985
Perpetual care 1987
Komisar book fund 1968-87
Upper school curriculum 1990-91
Post confirmation 1988-90
Religious school 1988-91
Sisterhood study circle 1981-87
Tax exempt cert. 1983
Small Congregations Conference1991
Don Jacobs loan fund 1990
Confirmation fundraiser 1990-91
College students 1990-91
Paige Box 7: See also Rabbi Fuchs’s secretary’s notebook with data for 1993-5
Rabbi Fuchs correspondence 1992-95
Discretionary Fund requests 1993-96
High Holiday security, 1976-98
Paige Box 8:
Building campaign 1952 (decisions to move)
Construction of new Temple 1955 (memorial alcove, pews, art, organ)
Youth Lounge 1969-81
Kitchen 1959
Guest book 1957-64
1954 groundbreaking, cornerstone laying, naming of Temple (see also gray Box 8)
Dedication Aug. 26-28, 1955
Memorial alcove gate rendering
Construction specs: memorial alcove, pews, organ, etc.
Kitchen remodeling plans, etc. 1959
Paige Box 9 : Audiovisuals (See also White boxes 1,2,3,4, Fuchs/Davidson/Morris audiotapes)
1983 polaroid photos
Katz 4/24/83 2c video, script
Bluegrass to Broadway 11/14/93 2c
Cornerstone dedication Summer 1954, Rabbi Silverman’s WSM noon show 7/16/57
Edna Falk’s Sisterhood Sabbath 2/21/86
Kol Nidre services Oct. 10, 1978
Audiotapes: Family history/genealogy electives 1980-83; library/literary electives; interviews with faculty, discussion with students (Cantor Halpern, Morin, Ken Kanter, etc.)
FOREVER FREEDOM Passover slide show (Leslie Kamenshine, Sharon Charney), April 1973: script, slides
1973, Casino night 1974, 1980, 1981
1983 annual meeting (?)
Sanctuary refurbishment 1984
Rabbi Jan Brahms farewell 12/20/85
Gunther Plaut (3 tapes) 3/22-24/85
Rev. Jimmy Snow 1979
(Orange box):
1975 Confirmation (2)
Dr. Jacob Marcus 10/17-18/75 (9 tapes), 10/21/85
Dr. Michael Cook 3/7-8/80 5 tapes
Dr. Liston Mills 10/5/80
Dr. Lou Silberman “The Torah as Read by the Rabbis” Jan 27 (?)
Dr. Eugene Borowitz 3/14/82
Katz 3/24/83
Falk, Death and Dying seminar 2/28/82
Rededication (renovation) sabbath 11/16/84
Adult Bnai Mitzvah 6/7/85
Sisterhood Sabbath honoring Edna Falk 2/21/86
Abba Eban 11/9/85
Lawrence Kushner (2 tapes) 1985 to Gwen 9/21/99
Vine street 8PM 3/15/85
Lydia Kukoff 3/7/86
Al Vorspan 4/4/86
Confirmation 5/25/85
Reel to Reel:
May 27, 1983 First Adult Bnai Mitzva
Katz rehearsal 4/24/83
Farewell to Cantor Peter Halpern 6/17/83
Paige Box 10: Ledgers
Rabbi Lewinthal’s marriage book 1881-1896
Tribute to Rabbi Lewinthal from his Confirmands 1889-1911 (copy framed in corridor by elevator)
Ledger: Fund contributions 1970-75, 1977-82 (3)
4 office boxes of Fuchs/Davidson/Morris audiotapes: 1) 1986-88;2)1987-1991; 3)1991-94; 4)1994-97
Plaques on Oversize shelf: Certificate of Appreciation, the Temple School, Special Oympics, May 15, 1992. Mayor’s 1998 Metro Beautification Award: The Temple, Nashville Chamber of Commerce, West End Area Business Council (2 Plaques). Howard E. Schwab Memorial Award, OVFTS Jewish Ceremonials and Arts, 1972. Temple Sisterhood Distinquished Achievement Award in the Development Fund for American Judaism, Nov. 1967. Sisterhood, Prime Minister’s Club, Israel Bonds, n.d.;Girl Scouts Comberland Valley Council, 4/19/90. Bloomstein Library, In Memory of Jacob Bloomstein and his family.
4 NFTS YES Honor fund, 1964-1986, 1981-1995
Book of Life. Confirmation picturew: 1975, 1977-83, 1989.
Against wall: Oversize Confirmation pictures: Originals: 1976, 1984, 1990, 1994, 1996*, 1997*, 1998*, 1999, 2000*, 2001 (*Duplicates, oversize, also 1982, 1982-84, 1989, 1996-1998, 2000)