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Learning About and Supporting Israel


Here are steps that you
can take right now:

1) Proactive Communication: 

Be proactive in discussing the current situation with your friends and family before they come across misleading information elsewhere. Review articles together that may contain false narratives about the events in Israel and encourage open discussions.
Click here for an article about how to talk to your children about Israel from Kveller
Click here for tips about talking to your children about the conflict



2) Channel Anger and Frustration Appropriately:

Appropriately channeled, feelings can be a catalyst for change. It's crucial to understand that feelings of anger or frustration are valid, but what truly matters is how we choose to respond. Instead of allowing anger and frustration to linger in our hearts, channel these intense emotions into constructive avenues such as education and awareness. By doing so, we can use our feelings to illuminate the issues at hand, raise awareness about the presence of sweeping antisemitism, and ultimately contribute to positive change.



3) Monitor Social Media Exposure:

In today's digital age, children often have access to social media platforms where they might come across distressing videos or contentious discussions. Encourage responsible social media use and set up parental controls to limit their exposure to graphic or upsetting content. Remind them not to engage in online conflicts or "wars.” 



4) Stay informed:

Learn about the complex history of the Arab-Israeli conflict with these informative short videos
Click here to access the videos on YouTube

Show your support for Israel by learning the facts from Israeli news sources:
Y’diot  Ahranot -
Jerusalem Post -
Ha’aretz -
The Times of Israel -  



5) Do something productive:

Draw upon our Jewish tradition, which emphasizes taking constructive action in response to tragedy. Channel your energy into assisting those affected by these events and paying tribute to the lives lost through acts of kindness and efforts to repair our world. It's a common human experience to feel better when we can make a meaningful and positive impact in the face of grief and helplessness. Here are some options:

- Contribute to an organization that supports Israel.
- Participate in vigils or community gatherings in support of Israel to foster a sense of unity.

- Write to your congressional representatives, expressing unequivocal support for Israel.
- Write thank you letters and/or send videos to soldiers:



6) Donate Tzedakah:

Engage in collecting charitable donations (tzedakah) for organizations that actively work to aid people and support Israel in crisis. Here are suggested tzedakah options:  

- Israel Crisis Fund of the Jewish Federation of Nashville:
- Reform Movement/ Jewish Federations of North America Israel Crisis Fund
- Magen David Adom:
- Friends of the IDF:
- Support hospitals, troops and survivors and more



7) Participate in Religious Rituals:

Participate as a family in religious rituals, such as prayers for peace and security, which can provide solace and a sense of connection to their faith. Join us at The Temple for Shabbat on Friday nights at 6:00 PM.



8) Light Candles in Memory:

Light candles in memory of those who have tragically lost their lives, a powerful symbol of remembrance and reflection.



9) Support First Responders:

Explore ways to honor and support military, rescue, and medical teams who play vital roles during these challenging times. Thank our Israeli soldiers to show support: 


Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784